Monday, September 28, 2009
ok lets try some more pictures :)
the first was taken in the field just below ritual circle. It's home to an apple orchard, as well as some animal housing, arts hall, and the labyrinth.
This was our second year at Vermont Witchcamp and I highly, highly recommend it if you can get to VT. Registration starts in Feb and its best to sign up early as it fills up really quick. I think it was full by around March 1 this year.
There are typically around 130 people signed up so its not a small community but it is a very friendly one. Feels like home to me.
enough for now. Hope you enjoy the pics
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Vacation pics
t's been awhile since I posted much as we have limited availability to internet… I think its time to post some vacation pics though.
First I must say Helen made me some wonder full socks (which you can view here) for my birthday. Got to wear them a couple times on the trip and they are warm. Will be wonderful for VT winters.
VWC is held at Farm and Wilderness each year. This is a Quaker owned/operated camp in Southern Vermont. Couldn't ask for a friendly or more professional group bunch of folks. Special thanks to Mary.. The camp cook.
The first pick is one of the fields the cows graze in. Second is of me making friends with the Heifers (they do like apples :))
The third image is in the upper field where we have ritual each night. What a great spot for it. I like to go up there and watch the sun go down and the moon and stars come out.
I'm having a bit of problems posting more than these 3 pics on this post so will post more on my next post.
Monday, September 21, 2009
By Don Scroggins @ VWC 2009
Sitting on this rock on the edge of this lake
Watching the rain drizzle down
The birds calling as a chipmunk scurries behind me for a mid-morning meal
I hear fellow witches in the distance enjoying some unknown activity.
As I sit here I wonder:
Why can the world not be like this?
No fears, no hate, no greed
Only peace, love, compassion, and community
The way to start the change is to become that change. Share your wisdom with those who would hear, and never stop learning.
It may take more than our lifetimes, but it will never become a reality without our spark.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Good news, and bad
Thats all for now.. pictures and poetry later.
Blessed Be
Friday, September 11, 2009
Man I miss Internet access from home
Loved this year at camp.
Here are a few other chants we learned
Should be picking up a macbook pro soon!!
I'm running short of time here on the library connection so I haven't sourced everything. Will get back to it ASAP.
Blessed Be and enjoy
"If the people lived their lives as if it were a song, for singing out of light.
Provides the music for the stars to be dancing circles in the night"
"Forget your perfect offerings
ring the bells that still can ring
there is a crack in everything
thats how the light gets in"
~~ Leonard Cohen
Saturday, September 5, 2009
VWC 2009 Awesome
I wrote some poetry and learned some new chants.
I'm at the library now as we don't have Internet at our current home base. Will type one of the poems and add the other later as well as the chants.
What's Hidden
by Don Scroggins @ VWC 2009
The sun breaks over the mist-covered mountains
all the woes of yesterday forgotten as the suns promise of renewal shines
The tall, glistening trees, leaves shading bits of the forest floor
Is this darkness to be feared?
Is it only hiding wondrous secrets yet to be revealed?
Here comes the wind, whispering and revealing the wonders of the air.
What marvels does it hold?
The previous darkness is suddenly unveiled.
In the distance a babbling brook exudes it's energy to change the forest yet again.
Water rushing headlong to a distant ocean, drawn by the moon tides.
What can be learned from these ancient ones?
How can we be more like them?
For we ARE nature, we have only forgotten how to BE instead of trying to control her