This story was written by Donald L. Engstrom/Reese, a fellow VWC'er, back in 2006.
It deals with one of our favorite goddesses and bees.. Which we are considering.. Remember bees are one of the primary pollinators on this earth. If they become extinct.. we become extinct..For without them there is little food.. and even less natural beauty
Bridget and the Bees
Biddy has a fine, sweet garden on the other side of the mountain
Apples grow on trees there which are harvested twice a year
The bees have honey roads in every cardinal direction from the mountain
And there is sugar sprinkled on everything my love eats.
From the song, "Brid Thomais Mhurchu"
Our story is a living story. Our story is a never ending story of Brigid and the bees.
Our story is a poem, a song, an image that we all co-create throughout our lives with every act we take, every dream we dream, every spell we make.
Our story is a beautiful lush orchard in a mountain meadow in a magical place -- deeply rooted in this continent, in this place, in this land and in each of our own homes.
Our story is in that mythic place, behind the mists, called Avalon.
Our story is in a place deep within us.
Our story is in every sacred orchard, in every garden of delight. Our story is in the here and now, throughout all time and possibility. Our story sings a song of hope and potentiality. Listen deep. Hear the music, the poetry, the buzzing of bees.
We begin our story in an orchard kept by Brighid; Flaming Arrow, Interconnecting Circles of Light, Sacred Flame, Three-tongued Flame, Defender of the People, Protector of the Poor, Friend of Bees, Triple Gidden of healing, forge and poetry, Golden One, Holy Well, Healing Spring, She who holds the Mysteries of the endless Spiralic Nature of Being. The land of this orchard is held in sovereignty by Bridgit. We join Her in nurturing this Good Green Earth.
This story is of this land, this orchard, this mountain, this continent, this planet -- This story is of all covered by the mantle of Her magic. Breathe deep and send your roots down.
This story is of the waters. Bridgit holds sacred each spring and well, river and stream, lake and pond. She holds them sacred to healing, sacred to dreaming, sacred to life. Bridgit delights in embodied water. She embraces our wet flesh. She licks our lush moist lips calling forth the juices of our loins, our thighs, our sighs. She infuses the red rivers running through out our muscle and bone, our nerve and gland, our organs of animal flesh, with the eternal vitality spiraling throughout the multiverse.
This story is of the waters. Drink deep and be well.
This story is of the honey roads that run back and forth between the cardinal directions and Biddy’s orchard, the honey roads that star burst into every known and unknown, seen and unseen direction, into every realm and reality.
This story is of the honey roads that lead between every beating heart. Stand still and feel these spirit maps on the tips of your fingers.
This story is of the bees that are drawn to deliver the sweetness of this orchard throughout the multiverse.
This story is of the honey that the bees deliver along every road, path, and highway, taking the sweetness and nourishment, transporting the blessings and gifts, carrying their cargo of compassion to where it is needed. It is good to know that the goodness of this honey is spread upon every good thing that we eat. It is good to declare our dedication to this multiversal sweetness. It is good to savor these mysteries; No matter the shape of the comb the honey is always wholesome and sweet. It's blessings informs all beauty, all delights, all delicious experiences of wonder. This golden treasure prepares our hearts for the sweet changes that radical understanding brings. The bees follow their hearts’ calling. Hear them hum and whisper as they joyfully travel their trade routes. Deeply taste this honey. Dare to take in it's essence.
This story is the hammer and anvil ringing on the forge with our Earth partnerships, our poetry, our healing, singing out our pledges as they fly sparking in every direction. Sing your pledges out loud.
This story is of the flame of courage, compassion and justice, the flame of transformation, desire and direction, the flame of manifestation, the making and the unmaking. This story is inside the flame. Feel the light of Bridget's flame inside you, inside us, inside each other. Be with the heat, the light, the glow that surrounds all beings.
This story is of the hearth, the heart of family, clan and community. The power of the honey pot on the pantry shelf permeates all that is prepared in our kitchens of love. The spring waters of delight infuse our sacramental teas, our healing broths, our saucy beauty. The cooking stove's holy companion sautes the leeks and mushrooms, bakes the breads and pies, it's flame a true friend of all who dwell within the arms of Bride.
This story is of connection. Reach out. Brighid is reaching to us, Her hands longing to bring our hands To Her lips. She touches our lives in the most real of real ways. Touch the Earth and each other.
Let us all, human, Mysterious One and otherwise, claim our own sweet lives, awake, aware, with clear intention, choosing to fully immerse ourselves in the rich loving possibilities offered to each and every one of us.
Let us follow the honey roads, delivering golden transformation to every realm and reality.
Let us dare to heal with each touch, finger to finger, heart to heart, spirit to spirit, as we remember who we are and our potential for living in glory and wonder.
Let us cook each course with love and compassion, creating feasts of companionship each time we touch skillet or cauldron.
Our story is a living story.
Our story is a never ending story of Brigid and the bees.
Our story is a poem, a song, an image that we all co-create throughout our lives with every act we take, every dream we dream, every spell we make.
Blessed Be.