So last year at camp we briefly discussed staying inspired (happy, positive, whatever) while surrounded by all the shit that goes with (or what passes for) modern civilization. But we obviously didn't discuss enough.
Do you ever feel that no matter what you do nothing ever improves, perhaps only gets worse? For instance, one could live completely green (whatever that is).. Solar, get around on a horse, build and farm sustainably, recycle, compost, etc. But what real impact does one person have against all the wrongs and injustices?
I suppose one could argue that you are setting an example for others to notice and follow. But is that really happening anywhere? I know around here environmentalist are scorned and those that show interest in organics are patronized (patted on the back and told that it's not worth the extra $$ and effort).. Sounds like big business has a lot of folks by the balls.
But then again I'm amazed at what the majority of folks will believe. What passes for life.
I mean, is it really any wonder why more people don't vote; or if they do they only vote based on the smear campaign ads on TV? If they're working 60+ hrs per week what else can they do, do they honestly have time to research the candidates and their voting records? Doubtful.
Or do those christians really read and live what they profess to believe? Do they even know what they believe? or are they taking the dangerous path of believing what their minister tells them? Are we headed back to the dark ages? To a time before the enlightenment? Where no one but the enlightened were allowed to read and preach their interpretation of the gospel.. Sounds more like a Cult to me..
I feel this is where we get so many of our fundamentalist fanatics. They read (or hear) a passage from the "holy book" and take it out of context (much like politicians and journalist are wot to do) bending it to suit their current pet causes.
But here's something most folks don't think about. Where did religion start? What agenda did the "translators" have?
Hmm Let's look at religion for a second from the perspective of the ruling class. Religion professes to a moral basis with rules to live by if one wants to get to heaven.
So let's see how this works for the working class.
Thou shall not kill.. unless it is to further spread christianity (crusades anyone? .. suffer not a witch to live), for goods we (ruling class must control).
Thou shall not steal.. once again, unless it is for control for the ruling class (of course they always pass it off as being for the country's benefit)
Thou shall not commit adultery.. what's that? Oh yes, making free people the property of others. In reality this was likely put in place to ensure bloodlines. Would hate to have royal bloodlines mixing with "commoners".
Thou shall not covet.. Now of course we wouldn't want anyone thinking how they would like to have something like what we have.. It might get into their head to try and steal it.. Because we know they'd never be able to buy it with the "generous" salary we pay, or the new taxes we put in place to give us more wealth.. Can't have that. What we want to do is make them want what they can have, but then make the work harder/longer to get it.. only to have the price raised and the prize snatched from them.. we'll call this inflation..
I could go on but I think the picture is coming into focus.
Now let's look at modern day happenings.
Big business has control of not just the US, but the entire world. The scariest part is that it's got the food chain!! This scares the shit out of me. How are they ultimately going to control us all? Tax us to death, work us to death? That's a start. But for those of us who are tougher to break.. well they'll try and starve us out.. that is if they can keep from destroying the planet long enough.
So many people today are unable to think outside the box. They essentially have no life other than work, eat, sleep. That's why TV is so popular. They can sit down and veg out. Pretend to get informed by watching a bit of news (propaganda). But when it comes right down to it they are sheep..
They believe that organic/sustainability is a fad.. it could never work, couldn't feed the world.. etc
Hmmm maybe it's time to wake the fuck up!!! Maybe.. hopefully before it's too late.
What we should all be thinking about is 7 generations from now. What will be left, what do we have a right to?
Should we be destroying/using up all the natural (and often un-renewable) resources? or is it wiser to conserve so that future generations can enjoy what we have enjoyed?
Maybe instead of having 4-10 kids we could adopt.. or maybe have 1-2 max..
maybe promote birth control instead of abstinence education.
Maybe instead of teaching sex is bad/dirty/evil.. we should teach responsible safe sex practices..
or we could implement the technology for
alternative fuels/energy sources.
But then that would loosen control of the elite class.. and that's the last thing they want.
Independent thought is dangerous.. to those in power..
So instead they keep us all disoriented and misinformed. Having us fighting against one another and for the status quo.. till we have no time or energy for anything else.
But then these are just ramblings of a madman... or are they?
Now Sports!!
I see the homeless sleeping on a cold dark street, like bodies in an open grave underneath a broken down neon sign that use to read "Jesus Saves".
A mile away live the rich folk, and I see how they're living it up. While the poor they eat from hand to mouth, rich drink from a golden cup.
It just makes me wonder why so many lose while so few win.
Give me something to believe in."