Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Bright Spirit Passes -,0

While I am truly sad that my aunt has passed, I am grateful she is no longer in the pain she endured for the past 4-5 years.

The family struggled with the life support option, but in the end she was sound of mind to make clear she wanted none of that.. she was ready to go on her terms.

She will be greatly missed!! She touched so many lives, including mine.
She had devoted her life to God, and was truly devoted to living her convictions. She was always a kind ear and was always willing to share her views, but would never force them on you..

For as long as I can remember she loved playing music, the piano, and singing. Her and Bob (her husband of 50+ years) made several recordings than I recall.

One that kept running through my mind at the funeral goes , I don't know the title, "Little boy in the field why do you cry, can't you hear your mother say, I'll see you again someday". Then I heard them queue up "wind beneath my wings". That's when the fountains turned on in my eyes. :)

The graveside service was spectacular as well. We let balloons soar on the wind (I know, not enviromental but...). ..

One thing this also brings to mind is how, no matter what spirituality you practice, the idea that the spirit lives on is often shared between them... Something to reflect on this Samhain

Monday, October 18, 2010

Reality: Destiny or Perception

here is a poem I wrote while we were camping this week.. Hope ya'll enjoy it

Red, Yellow, Brown, Green

The color of the leaves raining down

Cool nights, warm sunny days

A kiss of warm wind, sun at my back

Fall is upon us, but what is fall?

It sounds so daunting

Impending death or promise of renewed life, come spring?

Squirrels frantically gathering food for winter.

Is winter something to dread?

Or is winter perhaps a time for reflection?

A look at the past for lessons learned and a look to the future, planning.

Is the glass half empty or half full?

What is reality?

Are we just a cog in evolution, tied to a preplanned


Or is our reality our perception?

Something we can change at will?

Isn’t that the very definition of magic?

Are we responsible only to ourselves?

Or are we also responsible to our global community?

How do we help others to heal when we ourselves are hurting?

What if we don’t come together as a community?

What will happen to Gaia?

Will humans become the next “endangered species”?

We are inseparable.

We are Gaia and Gaia is part of us.

What we do to her we ultimately do to ourselves

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Place of Power (Remember)

Here's another poem I wrote at VWC this year

Green trees
majestic mountains
the clouds
darling some places
while letting sun through to others
more of the latter, blue sky
The whisper of the wind, her breath
the rain her tears
a mountain stream her healing waters
The sun

And through these images we see our lives
more light than dark
more joy than pain
more hope than desperation

But we can also hear her cry
a cry for help, Listen

Her breath speaks of oxygen depletion
her streams of mercury poisoning
why are we so careless, do we not care?
Do we not see we are killing ourselfs and our children?

magic is all around us, everyday, everywhere we look.
Awake before it's too late!! Remember!!


Behold there is magic all around us
Behold there is magic all around us
Behold there is magic all around us

Awaken, Rejoice and Sing!!

HuckleFaery Video

HuckleFaery and I met at VWC this year, and already he is a close friend. The Hagalaz group we were in was close knit and there was a lot of magic there. Very transformative for sure.
This video is very awesome advice no matter what hostile environment you may find yourself in.

It's nice to see people out there that can be true to their beliefs regardless of where they find themselves.

I know a lot of what I call "sabbat pagans" or "sunday christians" (ie. those who only follow tradition during those times).
That is not the impression I get of Huckle.

Here's to continued strength to make it through any dark times you maybe facing.

Love & Light,
