Sigh!! Well I've waited this two weeks, since election day, to post my thoughts on the situation. Thinking perhaps time would lessen my anger. Alast it is not so. Time to vent my fury and put my heart at some bit of ease.
We (Democrats) lost the congress; and with it, much hope for a brighter future I'm afraid.
It appears that the pubic is tired of waiting for Obama's change. What they forget is that he has inherited Bush's mess.. but let's be fair, truly he has inherited the mess this country has been in since the early 70's.
To put things in a bit more prospective lets look at some "for instance" shall we?
We've know, at least since the 70's about global warming and peak oil but, as is the conservatives way, we wait to fix the problem until it gets so bad we can no longer tolerate it.. or we flat out deny it exist..
Now people are whining about how it's going to cost more to buy cars, food, pay taxes, etc.. WELL DUH!! If we had only decided to start paying on this when we first learned about it, we wouldn't be in near the fix we are now. It's always going to cost more to fix a problem than to run preventative measures to start with.
Obama had a plan on paying off this large debt over the next 10 or so years, without raising taxes.. But now people are whining about how "our kids" are going to be indebted blah blah blah. We'll now that is likely the case. The GOP is certainly going to do everything in it's power to block any of Obama's plans.
GOP = Greedy Ol' Pigs
The sad thing is, I don't see a way out of it as things now stand. I'm still overwhelmed that a lot of the people who voted for him are now voting against him, and right at the time when he is bringing the change promised. Is it taking longer than expected? Yes.. But the truth is he has done more for this country than any president in recent history.. You can't fix in 2 years (or for that matter 2 terms) what's taken decades to destroy.
And the health care issues... don't even get me started. Obama Care isn't the single payer health care I had hoped for, however, it is a lot better than anything we've had before. Of course, That will likely be the first or second thing the republicans overturn.
Canada looks better every day..
Yes We Can... But will we! Will people ever wake up the these facts.. Or keep on believing that the GOP is the "working class party".
I guess if ignorance is bliss, the general public must be orgasmic.