Sunday, December 4, 2011

We start out life as a single cell that divides and divides. It has no concept of right or wrong. It passes no judgments. It cares nothing about competition. Its soul purpose is to nurture itself so it can do its part to grow a complex life form. Though it has no sentience, its formation is influenced by aspects beyond itself. This is the nature of the web of life.

So how are we as “complete” sentient beings different; or are we? We each have ideas/goals/desires that we strife toward. Sometimes it appears we, as individuals, can’t possibly effect any change. Our visions appear to die in the light of everyday reality. We are alone in our quests.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Our culture values individualism over community, consumption over conservation, mindlessness over thought, and competition over cooperation. Is it any wonder we are at war, even among ourselves?

I propose a form of society that would be much like that of the way nature works. If we, as a society, provide fertile soil in which to grow our ideas, then we will nurture an environment that supports enriched results.

What this means in real terms is that we need to change what we value. We need to “weed out” the ideas of judgment and competition. The ideas of right and wrong need to be looked at in light of how they affect whole systems; not just one element (humanity).

Looking at each element in the big picture (seed view) instead of only as a harvester (farmer) allows us a much deeper understanding of the requirements of the systems.

Though no two are alike, working together, as a community, we can all achieve a better

Environment in which to thrive. Like pollen required to produce the fruit, we are the bees that provide that pollen, in the form of honesty, respect, and dignity. The fruit of these labors will be a stronger community, one that supports greater diversity, ever broadening ideas, real change in the world. And each new generation will be like the seed heads that explode into life to replace the previous, only stronger, and with new ideas, but with a strong root system from which to draw. Let their food/energy be based on the principals, songs, rituals, etc. that we value, that they may make them their own, and shape them to their new understandings and meanings.

They will be able to see that life is not a circle, but a spiral, with no beginning and no end. If we can do this, we can indeed “be the change we wish to see”. “We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for. Our time is dawning”!!
