Thursday, November 12, 2009

What to do What to do

Well I know I'm behind the time but...

I love ITunes.. I've discovered free content in the form of podcasts, radio, and online courses..

Yes ITunes now does more than just organize your mp3s.. :)

But I digress, I'm mulling over the idea of putting together a podcast.. something pagan based of course. Hmm..

I guess all I need is a decent mic.. thinking about a headset for christmas.. Anyone listening??

But then I think I'd rather be moved to Vermont than spend money on anything else. I mean I can get headset anytime, been waiting to move to Vermont FOREVER!! or at least 10+ years.

And Helen has been working on various warm, snugglie thing for when we get there. The latest being these. Shhh!! don't tell her I know about them. :)

That's about all for now kiddies. Maybe a new poem soon. We went for a walk today down by Wilson's creek and I had some inspiring thoughts..

1 comment:

  1. Well of course you know!!! I keep begging for you to try them on every 5 minutes!
