Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bloody Hell

I'm so sick of this health care bit. Especially republicans bitching about how its unfair how the voting is going, how dems are ignoring them, blah blah blah.. It seems they forget they rubber stamped nearly every thing W suggested..

If it's ok for them then why not for the dems? Oh yea, because its going to cost the upper crust (the top 1%) money.. Wouldn't want that would we??!!!..

I mean come on.. It's obvious that the republican agenda caters to big business and the rich. I don't understand how so many are fooled into thinking otherwise. I mean I understand a lot of folks are conservative with their money. Duh, but theres a difference in protecting your earnings and being fooled into thinking you are.. which is precisely how the republican party works.

I also find it ironic that people are bitching about how gas prices are so high, how high Obama is going to make taxes go, etc... Here's a clue folks. Obama is taking on the responsibilities that previous administrations (since the 60-70's) ignored. Basically we are going to be paying now for what would have cost far less then. For example, If we'd made provisions for health care, responsible emissions, etc at that time, we wouldn't be looking at the debt we are now to get it all fixed. But instead we chose cheap oil and to let big business rule.

Lets face it people have always wanted cheaper... but that cheaper usually bites you in the butt. Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it (or pay for it) again.

You can see this mentality with stores as well. Take a look at Walmart. They roll into town, are give tax abatements to setup shop in the community because it will "bring business and jobs to the community".. Ah but the rub is the jobs it brings are bottom barrel, no benefits jobs. Not to mention it drives local businesses out. So are jobs truly created? or simply juggled for something worse?

Then there is quality. Pay 3X the price Walmart wants and have it last a lifetime, or run to wally world and buy it for 1/3 but have to buy it 3 separate times. Sorry but my time is worth more than that.

This is to say nothing of how the workers who make these products are treated. Hmm wonder why quality is so low? Would you give a shit about quality of a product if you were making below poverty wages and had not benefits? I know I wouldn't.

This is but one of the things wrong with america today. Will we wakeup before it's too late? I hope so but I'm not optimistic.

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