On Beltane eve don't be perplexed
Just grab some rubbers and have some sex
Personal Favorites
Sustainable Agriculture
For your ideas? For the secret notions you have for who you really want to be? Or think you are? Who are the friends, family or co-workers who are most accepting of your true self? And how do they demonstrate their acceptance? What is different about how they treat you than other people?
The only people who I feel truly accepted around, and who I can pretty much be my "true self" around is my wife, and my friends at VWC. They accept me for who I am, however strange that is :)
I tend to be reserved around folks I don't know, even if we have common interest. For instance, we go to a pagan group and UU here, have been for a couple months, and I'm certainly not my open, outgoing self with them yet, though I open up a bit more each time.. The connection just doesn't seem to be there yet. So I proceed with caution.
My side of the family, or at least those who know about us being pagan, accept it, doesn't mean they agree, but they don't hassle us either.
Helen's family on the other hand is another matter. :)
We live smack dab in the middle of the bible belt. It's mostly protestant's and very right leaning conservative republicans. So yea.. not much acceptance here.
I do find that there are more "in the closet" pagans here though. Use to work with about 10 or so. That was a welcome change.
I think most pagans, likely throughout the world, but certainly here, are solitary. It seems like there are a lot of meetup type groups but no covens (that I've found). The pagan group is a good compromise as they do public rituals and we do projects at the meetings.
I find it hard to relate to solitaries because I've really only done much magical work at camp. Helen and I have done some workings but they always seem like "wtf are we doing, we look silly". I prefer working in a group. Though I realize, to build personal power, I need to do my own work as well.
Guess this is the long way around saying that acceptance for me, lies with a small group of friends.
I see many ways I can help the community, without having to disclose my spiritual affiliations, and that works for me. To me the Work is what's important.
cool morning
mist rising, mountain's breath
A hint of sun
a promise of warm embrace
after a cold winter
hints of snow still linger in the shade.
a loon calls out from the lake below
Spring has arrived
and with it promise of new life
New faces and old
greeted with equal joy.
Dreams that seemed so far away
now bring renewed hope.
Trees that seemed mere skeletons yesterday
radiate their green brilliance. Collecting energy
for life.
How many are aware of these things? How many care?
Will we every wake up? Or are we simply so vested into this consumption system that we can't see the entropy?
The problems are real, and larger than any one person. But each action helps. Plant a tree, get involved in peace and social justice, farm/garden sustainably. Buy local. Build community. For if we all work together we can effect real change. "It's those who show up who write the future."
So what did you do for mother earth today? Or what did you resolve to do? Or what do you wish you could have done?
IMHO everyday should be Earthday. It shouldn't be just on day we think about and do something nice, though that's great too
I can't say I did anything specific today. Helen and I went outside and played ball with the dog. We enjoyed the spring weather and everything coming back to life. We felt blessed to be able to be outside and enjoy life. I guess one could say we gave some of our energy as an offering.
I thought about (actually may yet) writing a poem about Earth Day
We long ago changed out to compact florescence.
When we are able we have a garden, try to keep it local.
We helped plant apple trees a few weeks ago at the UU.
We're helping out Sunday to pick up trash along a section of road.
We plan to stand in solidarity with the local Islamic center tomorrow. They have been vandalized and threatened in the past few months. We are going with our UU congregation. I know other churches are going but not sure who. The point here is that while we may not all agree on our religious views (or other views for that matter) we all have the right to choose and practice them without fear of persecution.
The point I'm trying to make is that one person can't do it all, but that one person's actions do make a difference. "Be the change you wish to see".
I see all things connected. So how can we talk of "saving the planet" and not think about "alternative energy"? or about "Saving humanity" when we can't even live together peaceably.
Or declare freedom & Justice for all... when the small print reads, "as long as you look like us, think like us, and do as we say"
Just something to reflect on..
If my current self was debating my former self, I think my current self would win. Why? Because my former self was far more unsure of it’s point of view and would concede.
Now if my current self and former self were plotted against one another in a math competition based on speed, well my younger self would win. Maybe. Former self was faster but more prone to mistakes. Current self is slower but more methodical.
Of course my former self would listen to no advice from my current self because he though everyone was full of shit and out to get him. Some of that remains.. but less each day.. I’m tired of always being on the defensive.
All the shit that’s going on in my life aside, I like my current self much better than my former self. I like being who I am and letting others think what they will instead of trying to fit someone’s idea of “normal”.
You live your experiences but once. You can recall them but can’t change the past. You can use them in planning your future.
“Tomorrow’s just your future yesterday”. Craig Ferguson Theme Song
What is the purpose of your blog?
Is it a vent space, a journal of days, or something else entirely?
The original intent of my blog was to be sort of a book of shadows. Perhaps not full of spells as such, but more about how I was progressing along the crooked path. A place where others could view my work and perhaps see a perspective they had yet to vision.
Hmm. or maybe at least a place where one could see, through this progression, how I was seeing the sacred in the mundane.
Well I think I might lose my readership (making the huge assumption I have one) before that happens. Though I do feel a glimmer of hope in those matters. Seems this year is opening my eyes to a lot.
In the long run I guess my blog has become, whatever it is today, simply by me sharing my thoughts, be it on how shitty my day's been or how euphoric my belly lint makes me.
I think that's enough reflection about what my blog is to accomplish.
What things do you feel you do better at this point in you life than in the past
I have several, but they all come back to communication and compassion.
I’ve forever been the shy one. The one who tried to crawl into the woodwork. I was always the scrawny one everyone picked on and so I grew to hate people. Makes one cynical over time. I still struggle with this but now I know that it is people’s actions I dislike, not necessarily the person. The people who bully others have insecurity issues of their own.
Though I still fight the urges to revert back to this MO, I feel that for the most part people are good. They want to be heard and understood. Most (including myself) are good at talking but not at listening..
I’ll admit it, I’m socially awkward. It really pushes my boundaries to share my thoughts or feelings, or writing with other people. I guess I’m afraid they will make fun of me. But the thing is I feel better after the fact. The anticipation is always the worse.
Since I’ve started doing this I feel more connected, in-tune, with people on a human level. All the materialist shit doesn’t matter. It just people sharing. And that’s where love and compassion starts.
Once we can all start listening and sharing, we can all get on the same page, and maybe we can change the world ..
“dude ya gotta pass left man?? whoa!!”
I present the following article.
To me this is at least a start. Getting it through though will be another matter all together. I hope the idea catches on. Though I’m quite sure that with all the oil interest America will be one of the last to join.
To me it perfect sense, maybe because I’m a pagan. We’ve already given corporations the same rights as a human. We need proponents to protect the planet and universe, which is very much alive; Who better than those of us who are adamant about it? It gives the green party/environmentalist/scientist and grassroots groups a vehicle to be heard. Certainly it’s a tip of the hat to the fact that “yes indeed, the earth is alive, it is the only home we have, we damn well better find ways to lessen our impact on her and start her healing.”
I’m a firm believer in the fact that we are not above nature:
It is our privilege to behold natures beauty and bounty, it is our responsibility to make sure future generations can do likewise.
This is the first time in quite a while that when I’ve sat down to start a blog entry I just went “what the hell should I write about?” Not a frickin clue.
Nothing really to complain about today. It was warm, but not overly so. Got a bit of work done outside. Moved tractor around and did some cleanup work on the other one.
Helen cleaned out the trailer, washed the windows. Looks/smells tons better.
Still been thinking a lot about farming and gardening. Took a look at craigslist for VT and found some apartments for rent in Montpelier. Not cheap but about like here. Seems to be community garden spots we could “rent” for the season. Job listings seem plentiful for the area as well.
Found out Helen’s CNA certification is good in VT. She just has to fill out an endorsement form and pay the fee. Lot’s of those jobs at the Montpelier hospital. I’m sure I can find something there as well. Burlingtion is only 40 miles or so if need be. Don’t know how that’d be in the winter but it is all interstate miles.
I’m thinking maybe get moved there and working then in a year or two start looking at houses/property.
I guess enough prattling on for tonight. More, or at least more topical conversation tomorrow.
If you are what are you growing? Do you try something new each year or specialize in a few things?
We haven’t put out a garden this year. We’d have to container plant and I’ve not had much luck with that. Since we’re pretty much gypsies at this point, I don’t want to have to lug containers across the US.
This time of year I my green thumb starts to nag at me. This year it’s telling me to get cracking with apple and peach trees as well as blueberries and raspberries. Which sounds great.. but where we gonna put em? I know, it stinks to have to play the logical one ;)
I’m trying to talk dad into some fruit trees. At least he could send us pictures of them.
I really enjoy working with plants and animals. Don’t know a lot about either one but enjoy it. I’m a hands on learner so every year it’s something new. Eventually I’ll start taking notes so I don’t start clueless each time..
We’re still trying to figure out what the hell we’re going to do. Stay here, move to VT. Farm, work at making someone else rich and be miserable.. Sigh.. Bout ready to throw my towel in.
Right now I’m thinking. “well we don’t have a job or home here and we’re miserable.. It’d be just as easy to be homeless and jobless in a place we like.” you know, right??
Pros and cons like everything else but I’m leaning more toward that now.
Maybe a new start in spring is just what we need
An out of control train is about to run over a pile of happy puppies. You are standing at the control switch and can pull the level to direct the train onto a different track, saving their lives. But that other track has a smaller pile of equally happy puppies on it.
What do you do and why?
I just found out that April is National Poetry Month.. And... we have earth day on the 22nd.
So here's a challenge. Write a poem, or three for earth day. Everyone knows you get better as you practice, so start now. By the 22nd, who knows, maybe we'll all be kicking out kickass haikus!!
Tough question..
If I had to choose a band then hands down it would be Pink floyd for Dark Side of the Moon.
If on the other hand you say any concert.. Well that would be Woodstock!! No contest. I'd likely trade The Pink Floyd tickets for Woodstock tickets.. And if you know me that's saying a lot.LOL
Before anyone writes me, Yes, I know DSOM came out in the 70's.. Sheesh!!
I could go into why's, but that's for another post..
When you sit down to blog, or have a creative project of any kind you need to work on, how do you get yourself motivated to do it? What are your rituals or habits?
This is a tough one for me. I use to never write unless I was depressed. But I started reading about witchcraft and everywhere I turned I was being told I need to keep a journal.
Well, I'd researched and written papers for school. Lots of process but not really much thought put into it.
So I started journaling. Assuming I would one day write about profound things. I like to think I've made it to that point, but most stuff still seems mundane. I know that the idea is that the mundane is profane... Haven't reached that point yet, though I do feel I see more of it everyday.
Journaling has made me a more thoughtful writer though. I tend to think more, process more, think about the words I'm using instead of just blurting them out. Sometimes...or not
If nothing else it's made it a bit easier to get the thoughts out of my head and onto paper (or monitor), in a more coherent fashion.
I don't really have a ritual per se. I just flop down in a chair or whatever at the end of the day, write about something from my thoughts, day, or topic I find and got to work on it. I quit when I feel it's complete.
To be perfectly honest, this blog is now all the journaling I do. I feel it's enough.
Perhaps when I start doing more magical work I'll have more to write in a journal, but for now this keeps me happy..
Blessed Be
© 2009-2011 Thoughts and Opinions By D Scroggins