If my current self was debating my former self, I think my current self would win. Why? Because my former self was far more unsure of it’s point of view and would concede.
Now if my current self and former self were plotted against one another in a math competition based on speed, well my younger self would win. Maybe. Former self was faster but more prone to mistakes. Current self is slower but more methodical.
Of course my former self would listen to no advice from my current self because he though everyone was full of shit and out to get him. Some of that remains.. but less each day.. I’m tired of always being on the defensive.
All the shit that’s going on in my life aside, I like my current self much better than my former self. I like being who I am and letting others think what they will instead of trying to fit someone’s idea of “normal”.
You live your experiences but once. You can recall them but can’t change the past. You can use them in planning your future.
“Tomorrow’s just your future yesterday”. Craig Ferguson Theme Song
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