Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why is Organic so Exotic?

It seems there is a lot of misconceptions/myths about organic gardening/farming.

There's the idea that organic is a fad, something for the uber rich food snob, and so on.

We're so use to foods out of season, foods trucked in from half way around the world. Foods genetically modified, foods picked before they're ripe then irradiated.

And somehow we think this is the only way to feed the masses. The only way to continue farming.. Getting bigger or getting out. The death of the small farm and the local economy.

What the naysayers are forgetting is that, prior to WWII most everything was grown organically. Granted they didn't call it that, but they did use cover crops and other soil building and conservation methods. There wasn't many (if any) fertilizers/pesticides/herbicides.

The world population is much larger today than yesteryear, but there's still no reason we can't feed everyone. We've got to get back to local community, bartering goods and services,etc.

If we hope to survive and heal the planet for future generations, we must think and act sustainable. We need family farms and not agribusiness. Open pollenated seeds and not GMOs and terminator genes and patents on seeds.

We need to cut back on our wants and concern ourselves with our needs. We need to abolish the capitalist system, with its ever growing consumption addiction, need for more hours to buy something that will make our life better, until the next new thing comes along. We need to treat each other and our environment with the respect deserved and stop the exploitation.

I am 110% sure that we could accomplish this in a short period of time (say 10-20 years) we could be a self-reliant society once again, far less dependent on oil. It would take retraining, lets face it, America is a service industry now. There is very little know-how left.. we've outsourced it.

Would it be easy.. no.. we've become lazy as a society. We work in the abstract and not the mechanical. We'd have to get off our ass and learn what a hard days work is.. You'd be working harder but you'd be working smarter (and likely less hours).. Instead of working to make Joe Smuck rich, you could work to make your life better as well as you're community and the world. What could be more satisfying than that?

In short Organic is not Exotic.. It's sustainable.. It's a paradigm shift to be certain. One who's time has come.

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