Monday, July 18, 2011


Enthusiasm by Mars Dorian

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” is a great line from Emerson. If there’s no enthusiasm in what

you do, it won’t be remarkable and certainly won’t connect with people on an emotional basis. But, if you put that

magic energy into all of your work, you can create something that touches people on a deeper level.

Hmm to true. If you're not excited about what you do.. well likely it won't get done, or will get put off till it's to

late.It certainly won't be your "Best" work.

So how can one bring more enthusiasm into one's work? What does one have to think or believe about one's work to be

totally excited about it?

To me everything is so overwhelming. The environment, poverty, war.. where does one even start? without being overcome

by the feeling that "I'm only one person" how can my small action even matter? I struggle with this always.

I guess different people have different ways of coping with this. I've yet to find something that works for me. Though

working for causes with a group is as close as I've found to a solution.

I hear others say that they focus on one thing, be it changing some facet of the system, writing to our

representatives, or being involved in direct action.

While all these things do ring a bell, and certainly feel good while we're doing them. How do we continue that feeling

and enthusiasm in our "Muggle" daily lives?

It's great to go to a protest and show your support. Or donate to a cause, or a million other things. But to me there

needs to be something more. Else we risk becoming "Sunday Christians" you know the folks who proclaim values and

beliefs but live totally opposite to those values the rest of the week.

So how do we incorporate "Walking your talk" into your daily life?

While it's true that not everyday can be a solidarity march, or march on washington,etc. We can use our spiritual

beliefs or values to promote our visions. And this need not be screaming anything. You'd be suprised how many actions

people accept without thinking about it, but the minute you name it, it all turns to shit. For instance, have you ever

helped someone get something off the shelf in the store, or helped someone across the street? These seem to be special

things today, but in the past this was common, even expected action. It is human helping human. Compassion. But if

someone gives it a name.. say "social services" it becomes something distrusted, or something that shouldn't be "on the

dole" comes to mind as a phrase some might use for such services.

My point is who cares what we call it or don't call it really? The point is to do it. These actions may not seem like

much, may become second nature if you work at it. And while it seems like a small thing to you, it might be a huge help

to someone else. It will also show others that you live what you say your values are. And that can be a very large

catalyst to start a change.

So to answer the question, I'd have to say that to be excited about the work I do , I need to do the work that is

important to my values. I don't need confirmation of these values, but I do need to feel I am "walking my talk".A smile

or kind word from those I help let me know I'm on the right path.

You must find what works for you and stay true to your values. You can not hope to help someone else until your house

is in order. This is where you will find solace, joy, and wisdom

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