I see a lot of things going on in the occupy movement. It’s great to see people finally awakening to the injustice that has been going on for a long, long time. And I am so thankful to all those who have the ability and desire to be on the front lines. Thank you!!
But there are also other things we need to address. While direct action is a key component of change, we need cohesion and collaboration in our efforts.. For thought if you will. It seems to me that while we have a lot of initiative, often we get caught up in the moment of knowing we need change, knowing what needs to change, having the will to show that we demand change, but we often falter in our ability to plan for and communicate well. We need to not just demand change, we need to have very specific demands. Something like “fair wages” is a great thing to strive for, but we can’t just say it and expect it to materialize. We must be ready with a course of action to get there. This will not likely be something that is achieved overnight, but through much deliberation, with give and take on both sides of the issue.
Those of us who support the Occupy Movement at home need to be working toward that end. It’s easier to think rationally while we’re not in the mist of the threat of arrest and police brutality. We can also keep an outside view of what’s going on, what may not be obvious to those on the front lines.
We will be in for a long fight so we should be prepared for entrenchment. We need to establish a support system, something that will be ready to step in when the current system fails. I’m talking more about community function here than government leadership.
To get out of this mess things are going to have to convert from global back to local economies. The reason we have issues with the economic system is because the same people have controlled the economy for decades. Why don’t we get rid of them you might ask? As it stands the average person doesn’t have the knowledge, call it job security if you wish. Those in power are accountable to no one and thus get away with what they please, at our expense. We need to end the FED. Decentralize the banking industry. Disband corporations, end campaign contributions by pharm, big business, etc.. Then we can start having some accountability. It’s much easier to hold local bankers accountable if they have to look you in the eye than it is to talk to you on the phone from across the ocean.
What I recommend is getting some sustainable systems in place now. Grow local community gardens. Start CSA’s, anything that helps our community be sustainable and far less reliant on anyone or anything. It is going to take some time and great effort as many are far removed from the farm. But it’s doable, if we truly have the desire to be the change we wish to see.
Those on the front lines, keep doing what your doing. Those of us here at home, watching the news, reading the papers, hoping our family and friends are ok out there, let’s start pulling it together. While change may come tomorrow or not for many years, we need to have our shit together so when it hits the fan we’re not scrambling. While I may not be around to see the changes, it gives me renewed hope to see so many working for it. For a better future for the next generations and beyond.
Blessed Be