Monday, November 14, 2011

What do I believe?

So I’ve made the decision to join our local UU congregation. Certainly this likely comes as a surprise to many of you, and honestly, to me as well. I find that the UU principals mesh well with my pagan beliefs.

After nearly 10 months of going to Sunday service,helping with community outreach, and meeting many people who are likewise concerned with what’s going on, here I am.

One of the things we are task with in the membership class is to create a creedo. This can really be anything that represents our beliefs. While this sounds simple enough it’s not. We all know what we believe right? Well yes, internally that’s. Bringing that from mind to words isn’t always easy. Things are so fluid. Situations can be different, ad nauseam.

Here is a partial list of what I believe at this moment in time:

“We are part of the multiverse. An organism that operates as an interconnected whole; if one variable changes, everything changes. Balance is vital.

We must be mindful in our thoughts and actions. We will make mistakes, but we need to take responsibility. Our search for truth and meaning is an ongoing journey.

As individuals, we must strive not to be centric to anything. We should value the worth of every part of the web of life.

There is darkness and light in all; if we listen with open mind, we can find some value in almost any system.

When we find ourselves in a situation that seems insufferable, we need first to look within. Our perceptions are often a reflection of our past experiences. If we can change these perceptions we can change our reality.

If we do not find what we are searching for within, we will never find it without. God(s)/Goddess(es) are representations of inner facets of our personality.

We must work together toward a world that extols Equality, Liberty, and Justice not just for humans, but for all living things.

Love and compassion are not all that’s required for peace, but they are a strong foundation to build from. We must do more than give lip service to these values. It is through our actions that we bring about change.”

         I think the following quote sums up my thoughts on Unitarian Universalism

       “We are Unitarian Universalist with minds that think,hearts that love, and hands that are ready to serve.”

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