Thursday, March 31, 2011
what is something you never believed until you experienced it?
metaphysical way.
I sometimes get the "feel" of a room. a sense of the mood.. but it's got to be pretty obvious before I pick up on it. Same with people. I'm horrible at picking up on body language or innuendo.
I can also pickup energy when out in nature much simpler. It's just a feeling of something living, and it's strength.. Not positive or negative, though night tends to feel more elusive than day.
Location makes a difference as well. The Northeast feels alive, bustling with energy; Muted in the Midwest (as if the energy is nearly worn out.) I don't really know what this is.
On the land where VWC is held, I think the Fae at work/play. I've never seen them, it's a sense of presence, ecstatic energy.
I don't know if these senses are objective or subjective. Is it "real" or am I projecting my feelings.
I've always had these senses, but never tried to develop them, or thought they were more than hunches. Then I went to Witch Camp!!
The first year was difficult. I'd never been a people person, so I was very uncomfortable with all the hugs from strangers. The warm welcoming of everyone, even though we'd never met. Very nice compared to the cold shoulder you get here in the Midwest. Much different than the social norms we've been taught. Totally different mindset. It's like is she/he hitting on me?? Uncomfortable until you realize that the outside World's norms don't apply. You have to take everything at face value instead of placing muggle overlays onto it. Then it gets easier to be open to the experiences.
I loved the rituals but was drained afterward. This was the first time I'd experienced energy. It was wonderful yet overwhelming. Thereafter, I began taking the craft seriously and not as a "flight of fancy".
Now, whenever I do any kind of magical work, working in nature, or have a conversation, I learn something new. I have a new lens to view life through. I see how everything is interconnected.
Every year I go back to camp and feel more comfortable, like I have an inkling of what it's all about. Last year was the best year yet; But that story is for another day!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
If you could master any skill instantly, what would it be?
First off let me say I hope the site looks a little less cluttered. I've still got some things to do but overall I think it's an improvement.
Back on topic.. I'm thinking my skill would be more of an art.
I'd like to master the art of getting a good job. Not one that just pays the bills and leaves you feeling like committing sucide. One that you enjoy, that helps people, that helps you grow toward whatever values you try and uphold.
Most of my values are all encompassing, hard to break down into groups but I shall try.
Environmental. Let's face it, we are as much animals as the gopher or the moose. The sooner we realize this and get over ourselves, the sooner we realize we are part of the world community, not outside, above or smarter but part of.
That said it can be overwhelming when we try to think of doing something ourselves. Seems impossible that one person could make any kind of real change..But that's not even the point.
If we hope to effect any real change, we must be an example of that change. "Be the change you wish to see". This will show others that you walk the walk not just BS. You must know yourself in your strengths and weaknesses before you can hope to help others do likewise.
I could wax on poetically but I'm sure you get my drift.
There is so much disinformation out there that keeps us at war, not only with other countries, but with one another. Black and white, christian and islam, man and woman.. Come on. We're really all the same, we're humans and that's all that makes the difference.
If we hope not just for a brighter future, but to survive at all we've got to get past these differences. We've got to stop listening to the "propaganda from the disinformation ministry". Start working together, start thinking about local economy, start eating locally and in season. Stop the hate, stop the inhumane treatment, STOP THE FEAR!! Which is THE cause of many of these actions.
Sigh!! See what I mean about being so inherently tied?
The biggest issue really is money. Companies(and individuals for that matter) have gotten caught up in the scheme that is the money system. More more more is the mantra.
But what most fail to see is that while they maybe getting their pockets lined, others, as well as our home (earth) is being destroyed.
So when I hear people bemoaning higher taxes because of "cap and trade", healthcare, etc.. I have very little sympathy. Most of those complaining are the baby boomers who where tax payers during the 60's and 70's. Who were being told about peak oil, etc even then. The proper thing would have been to bucked up then and started looking toward alternatives, but no. Now it's time to pay the piper. It always cost more to fix a problem after it occurs.
Long story short I think my idea job would be an organic farmer, conservation agent, teacher, or something along those lines. Still a lot of BS red tape, but at least I'd feel like I was making a difference.
Hope that answers the question ;)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Day off
ok so this won't be my usual daily deep thoughts..
But I am revamping the site a bit. Likely some new links, videos and who knows what else.
Hope you enjoy and find the new design a bit less cluttered and more useable. We'll see I suppose. :)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What non-exercise activity do you wish would keep you fit?
That's easy, being on the internet. Aside from exercising my typing fingers, it is only an exercise in patience and frustration.
I use to use the internet quit a bit for research for school and to chat, maybe online games. Recently however it's mostly the daily routine of wake up and spend 2-3 hours searching the online job banks.. puke!!
Anyway if surfing the internet were exercise I'd have six-pack abs. (Stop that!! I can hear that laughter!!).
Thursday, March 24, 2011
How do you envision a sustainable future?
This is a question I've been pondering lately. I don't think anyone has a precise answer. Not all solutions will work in all situations.
I don't see Corporations, Interstate highways, imports both domestically and internationally or overconsumption as sustainable.
I do think that within a few years the only way most folks will be able to survive is through small scale farming (homesteading).
I think things need to refocus to local economy. Get back to knowing people and building community. Bartering, farmers markets, etc are going to be important.
Forget all the Material stuff and focus on reversing the damage we've done since the industrial revolution.
That would be a good start. Get those Corporations sweatin. Reinvent themselves as something useful or go under.
No more bailouts for wall street, maybe even some help for the farmers, the lifeblood of this country. IMHO
Monday, March 21, 2011
Ostara Haiku
Gloomy Winter's Day
Snow is Falling Everywhere
Ostara come quick
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Welcome to the spring equinox!!
We can see that winter is on it's way out and spring is in. Night and Day length are equalizing, the ground is beginning to warm and the plants are awakening.
It's time to sew the garden we've been thinking about all winter. Time to set those dreams in motion so that we can reap the rewards of our efforts come harvest time. And while we know there is much toil ahead, we face it with renewed hope as the sun warms our bones.
Enjoy the day. Helen and I are off to the UU for church followed by a ritual!!
Blessed Be
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Our adventures for National AG day 2011
Well one of the local farms was holding their activity for National AG day today. It was cloudy, it was breezy, but it felt darn good to get out of the house for a while.
Without further ado Here are some pics
Friday, March 18, 2011
Change your life through time travel!!
What would you tell yourself 20 years ago that could have changed how your life is now?
Just one thing?… Well now that's impossible!!
I suppose If I could go back in time with some advice for my younger self (as If my younger self would pay any mind). I would tell myself to do some serious self reflection to determine what I want from life. Determine what is important. To look beyond what I currently know to see other ways. To be more outgoing, even though sometimes you do get hurt.
Once you have your goals, devise a plan, its difficult to meet a goal if you don't know how to get there. Listen to what others have to say but don't let them derail you, it's you who has to live your life.
Be flexible, don't try to make everything precisely your way, you'll miss learning opportunities as well as become cynical.
Don't be afraid to reach out, ask for help, help someone, become close to people.
"Sing like no one's listening, Dance like no one's watching, and love like you've never been hurt"
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It's not where you go when you die, but how you live when you're alive
Cause it's not where you go when you die It's how you live when you're alive
Who you touch and how you feel it.And it's not about the time that you have It's how you cry and how you laugh
Who you love and how you mean it And do you mean it.excerpt from Dr. Frankenstein
Powerful words. It seems with all our fast paced, techno heavy lives, we often forget the most important, our environment and how we interact with our other earth-mates.
It's all to easy to get caught up in tomorrows and fail to see the beauty of the day, or the moment even.
Though it often seems we cannot tear ourselves away from muggle distractions to do what we believe in. When we do we need to make the most of it. It's more the intention we're working toward, and it will take more than our lifetimes. It's about quality time, not quantity..
In the end it is more important that we "walk our talk". Others will remember that far more than they will remember the hours/day/years that you work at something..
Easier said than done, but it's something to strive for.
Monday, March 14, 2011
National Agriculture day March 15
What part of life confuses you the most
So many things, where to start
I guess I'd have to say how totally unaware people are about things.
How everything is about money instead of quality of life.
How everything is about chasing the Joneses and watching tv instead of community and spirituality.
About kicking the other guy when he's down to get ahead instead of helping one another.
And yet these are our actions, we claim to hold dear those things we practice least.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Do I have to choose?
I mean I LOVE chocolate, but vanilla is an aphrodisiac.
Hmm.. maybe vanilla now and chocolate later?
How about chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream?
It seems like chocolate is prevalent in america.
We like hot fudge sundaes, oreos, shoot if it's chocolate we woof it down by the bucket full. Not so much with vanilla. though it's likely second or third.
For me, there's not much chocolate can't fix, and if it can't a little bit o vanilla will make me forget about it for a time anyway :0
Friday, March 11, 2011
Truth or only perception
Here is a a post by a friend, to read at your leisure. The part I am focusing on is the following quote:
I told my oldest son once that we tell stories to find out what might be true. We might think that we are simply communicating our best understanding, but by putting it out into the world, we are laying it bare for examination. We may (underneath it all) hope that people will come along and say, “Yes! This! This is just what I’ve been looking for!” But this just shows me that some part of us still doubts.
We want/need that feedback, even while we fear the criticism that may shake the core of the story. But we have to keep telling them, because humans only exist in relationship, and stories only exist in conversation.
and one of my favorite quotes:
Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.
It's always amazing to me to hear people say "I don't understand science", sure you do, now you might not call it that, but you use science every day.
We set goals and make plans, and we're never certain what the results will be, but we keep trying.. It's called hope.
Sounds a lot like scientific method to me. Start with a hypothesis, see what your results are, see if others are doing the same kind of experimentation, compare notes... repeat.
So the way I see it, we can either work individually, seeing what are results are and excepting that as truth (law), or we can interact with others and see how our own perceptions holds up.
Is it humbling when we're wrong, yea. But is it better to be oblivious.. perhaps for some but for myself nay.
Push your boundaries. You might be surprised at what you find out about yourself.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ok so I haven't posted for a few days. Long story short we're moving rather quickly and unexpectedly.. but whatever. I'm quite sure in the long run it is for the best. Will be nice if we ever land somewhere permanent though.
Anyway, hope to be back on track soon.. if not sooner
Monday, March 7, 2011
Shyness and other lunacy
So how do you meet new people?
Say for instance, your at a church you've never been to before. You don't know a single person. It's not that you don't like people, it's just perhaps your a little reserved because you feel self-aware, out of place, whatever.
Do you walk up and start a conversation? do you wait for someone to talk to you? do you run out screaming, or sneak out quietly before everyone else?
Do you make new acquaintances easily, or do you tend to stick with you closest friends, or do you prefer to be alone?
Thinking on these things, do you know why you make the choices you do? Is it something from your past nagging at you? or have you always been shy/outgoing?
I find myself in this situation often. While I love being sociable, I tend to only be this way around people I'm already comfortable with. I'm slow to speak up in group discussions, and tend to stay to myself most of the time.
I've been made fun of and otherwise hurt in the past, and so for a long time I distrusted and disdained most people.. I guess I'm still struggling with that, though I believe, for the most part, that most people are good.
I notice that I have the most difficulty talking in groups, or with people who I feel are more knowledgable in a subject (IE. I don't want to sound like an idiot so I keep my mouth shut). I don't like to draw attention to myself, though I do like to share my thoughts, poetry, etc, when I feel I won't be ridiculed for it.
I've also noticed that I tend to be more shy around women than men. Which to me doesn't make much sense. I find I don't relate to men very well anyway.. to much macho bs for me for the most part. I think it's … wait for it… Inculturation ..
It seems in our society, the norm is you are only allowed to talk to women if you're flirting with them. How asinine is this? Yet I suppose that's one of my hangups.
Anyway It's something I'm aware of and trying to overcome. It's not easy, though it does seem to get easier the more I do it.
Strangers passing in the street
by chance to separate glances meet
and I am you and what I see is me
and do I take you by the hand
and lead you through the land
and help me understand the best I can
~ Pink Floyd - Echoes
Sunday, March 6, 2011
You've got a magic tree.. What does it grow
So if you had a magic tree what would it grow?
I think i would graft several different "cultivars" onto the rootstock.
Let's see:
and that's just a start. Might need a forest of magical trees. :)
It is astounding to me how far apart views can be. It's like there's no cohesion between the left and the right.. or much at all it would seem.
I think once we can all get at least in the same neighborhood as to what needs to be done (or undone) then we can begin to see real change in the world.
If we can ever get past "me, me, me" and back to "we are a small blip in this universe, but we are really fucking things up" that would be a good start.
Just sayin
Friday, March 4, 2011
Principles of Life Ownership
I'm feeling a bit dazed and confused after the last two post today.. so I'm going to cheat on this one..
Here is an article written by Shidoshi Ken Harding of the Missouri Budo Taijuydu Dojo
The Principle of life ownership
What's going on
Ok so it's been 3 days since I posted.. Been crazy busy... but OTOH I've got 3 post for you today.. Lucky You!!
Yesterday we went down to Norwood property and staked out an easement for a power line. Think it's going to be ok with the neighbor, have to wait for his approval. Next step would be to get someone out there with a bulldozer to clear the easement, then the electric co can put the polls in..
Looks like it'll cost a bit, the client is responsible for clearing fees as well as paying for the polls (unless you have a foundation/well/septic in place.. then it's free.. lol
anyway I think dad is planning on putting a well out there. We plan to pull the camper down there and live in it for a while, maybe a year or so till we can either get some money put away (again) or give up an decide to stay.
All in all though it was a wonderful day, almost hot (71) for first part of March. Helen and I are both worn out from the trip. slept like the dead last night but didn't want to move this morning.
We got our stash of seed out this morning to see what we have.. picked up a few more at wally world and got our gardening stuff from storage. Got green thumb fever!!
We also went to the local farm store and they had pullets and meat birds as well as ducks and rabbits. Sigh!!! I'm so ready to get a farm up and going!!
Helen is making some chinese food for dinner.. Not sure what it is yet but it smells delish!!!
Good evening
seven-point star
There are so many Star symbols out there today.. From the traditional pentagram on up to 9 point, and likely more I haven't seen.
Today our focus is on the seven point star. What I know about it, and what my research has turned up.
The seven-point star is also know as the faerie or elves star and is considered one of the entrances to the faerie relm, or the gateway to the Otherworld.
I see this star in use in the Feri tradition (which differs greatly from faerie. feel free to google both). But I think the star's meaning overlaps,
Here are several prospectives I found.. then mine:
Each point on the star represents a pathway, or the seven rays of manifestation of the higher self as follows:
1st point - Power, Personal Will,
2nd point - Unconditional Love,
Wisdom, Growth
3rd point - Knowledge, Intelligence
4th point - Harmony, Tranquility
5th point - Powers of mind and Science
6th point - Devotion, Honesty
7th point - Magic
It is also said that the points closely relate with the pentagram, to include earth, air, fire, water, "above & below", and "self"
There are also other correspondence one could draw:
The chakras, the seven planets, days of the week, moon and sun + 5 visible planets, and so on.
I don't know a lot about different pentacles, but I've seen the iron, perl, ect. I'm inclined to think the first example makes sense.. just gut instinct here. But when I look at the seven-point star I always think :
earth, air, fire, water, spirit, above & below, within and without (external to self), and mystery (Center)
I welcome your perspective and comments
Blessed be
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
So, We've been attending the Local UU church. It's refreshing in that it is far from the dogmatic, repressive baptist church I grew up in. It's a plethora of intermingled religious/spiritual views. Some of the covenants really fit in with (my idea) of paganism.. Specifically:
The inherent worth and dignity of every person
Justice, equality, and compassion in human relations
Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth
A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
What's nice is there are different groups within the church. There's a pagan group, humanist group, etc.
We've only talked with one or two people there. The group as a whole seems a bit to themselves, but that is likely just our perspective, we're not exactly social butterflies :)
Anyway, it is a nice change, and really one of only two places around here where you can communicate with like minded folks. There is a pagan meeting there tomorrow night. I think we are planning to go.. kind of looking forward to it.
If nothing else it gives us a chance to keep our minds open and operating outside our normally neutral blah state.