Here is a a post by a friend, to read at your leisure. The part I am focusing on is the following quote:
I told my oldest son once that we tell stories to find out what might be true. We might think that we are simply communicating our best understanding, but by putting it out into the world, we are laying it bare for examination. We may (underneath it all) hope that people will come along and say, “Yes! This! This is just what I’ve been looking for!” But this just shows me that some part of us still doubts.
We want/need that feedback, even while we fear the criticism that may shake the core of the story. But we have to keep telling them, because humans only exist in relationship, and stories only exist in conversation.
and one of my favorite quotes:
Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.
It's always amazing to me to hear people say "I don't understand science", sure you do, now you might not call it that, but you use science every day.
We set goals and make plans, and we're never certain what the results will be, but we keep trying.. It's called hope.
Sounds a lot like scientific method to me. Start with a hypothesis, see what your results are, see if others are doing the same kind of experimentation, compare notes... repeat.
So the way I see it, we can either work individually, seeing what are results are and excepting that as truth (law), or we can interact with others and see how our own perceptions holds up.
Is it humbling when we're wrong, yea. But is it better to be oblivious.. perhaps for some but for myself nay.
Push your boundaries. You might be surprised at what you find out about yourself.
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