Sunday, September 26, 2010

Music is dance for the soul

Music is dance for the soul

ok so most of us are moved by some form of music. But what about the music moves us?
Is it the words? the rhythm? or is it something else entirely?

when you hear a song for the first time, what do you hear? How about on subsequent listens?

How do you feel? Does this also change? Say once you know the words and the beat? or depending on the mood you're in? or the setting?

Is music just background noise to you? or do you connect/believe in a deeper meaning? Do you find yourself trancing when your listening?

Personally I find I am most moved by music I can relate to on some level. Typically music that is both aesthetically and lyrically pleasing and conveys some matter of my beliefs on whatever subject/level.

Typically that means Pink Floyd. :) David Gilmour is both an excellent lyricist and guitar god. His word put together with his "singing and flying" solos can take me on a round trip from depressed to joy…
I often find myself trancing out to them. Inner journeys. This is the music I listen to when I want to relax at the end of the day.

One thing I find about music is there is something new I experience each time I listen. I typically hear a song rhythm the first time, then listen again for the words, then decide if I like it enough to listen again and try to put meaning to it. sometimes I get to stage two and just enjoy it for a while. Maybe get the meaning over time.. savor it.

Mood and setting absolutely has to do with how I feel about a song or music in general. If I'm pissed I might want the music loud and unruly (Pantera), or muted and calming (some Floyd). On the other hand if I'm meditating or doing magic or spiritual work I might want Anugama. I typically don't like songs I know well that have word when I'm doing this kind of work.. because I end up singing instead of trancing..

Music can be background.. as in the setting above… but it is a major part of my life. I can't play or read mind you.. but I love to listen..

So to me music is dance for the soul.. anything than can so radically change my mood or thoughts is powerful.. and welcome

But then again.. I'm crazy!!

we are stardust we are golden and we got to get ourselves back to the garden

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