Saturday, December 18, 2010


To me this is what christmas is about. Not so much the religious message but the overall message.

It's not about consumerism. It's about giving.. At least thats my take.

And heres another one for Yule.. The longest night of the year (which is the 21st this year).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Midterm Elections

Sigh!! Well I've waited this two weeks, since election day, to post my thoughts on the situation. Thinking perhaps time would lessen my anger. Alast it is not so. Time to vent my fury and put my heart at some bit of ease.

We (Democrats) lost the congress; and with it, much hope for a brighter future I'm afraid.

It appears that the pubic is tired of waiting for Obama's change. What they forget is that he has inherited Bush's mess.. but let's be fair, truly he has inherited the mess this country has been in since the early 70's.

To put things in a bit more prospective lets look at some "for instance" shall we?

We've know, at least since the 70's about global warming and peak oil but, as is the conservatives way, we wait to fix the problem until it gets so bad we can no longer tolerate it.. or we flat out deny it exist..

Now people are whining about how it's going to cost more to buy cars, food, pay taxes, etc.. WELL DUH!! If we had only decided to start paying on this when we first learned about it, we wouldn't be in near the fix we are now. It's always going to cost more to fix a problem than to run preventative measures to start with.

Obama had a plan on paying off this large debt over the next 10 or so years, without raising taxes.. But now people are whining about how "our kids" are going to be indebted blah blah blah. We'll now that is likely the case. The GOP is certainly going to do everything in it's power to block any of Obama's plans.

GOP = Greedy Ol' Pigs

The sad thing is, I don't see a way out of it as things now stand. I'm still overwhelmed that a lot of the people who voted for him are now voting against him, and right at the time when he is bringing the change promised. Is it taking longer than expected? Yes.. But the truth is he has done more for this country than any president in recent history.. You can't fix in 2 years (or for that matter 2 terms) what's taken decades to destroy.

And the health care issues... don't even get me started. Obama Care isn't the single payer health care I had hoped for, however, it is a lot better than anything we've had before. Of course, That will likely be the first or second thing the republicans overturn.

Canada looks better every day..

Yes We Can... But will we! Will people ever wake up the these facts.. Or keep on believing that the GOP is the "working class party".

I guess if ignorance is bliss, the general public must be orgasmic.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What does it mean to be Pagan/Wiccan?

It seems some of my friend/family found my facebook page and are wondering what this thing called paganism/wiccan is.. So I figure why not try to explain.. At least my take on it.

You can think of paganism as a catch all term for any earth based spiritual group. The term could be likened to the word christianity, in that it too, includes sects such as baptist, methodist, etc.

As with christanity, each group has different ways of doing things or different area of emphasis. But all are working toward the same ends.

Basic beliefs are..

we are all part of one another. Put simply, we are all stardust. So in essence we are one.. from our fellow human being to the star you see twinkling in the sky, to the wolf you see in the woods or the eagle in the sky.

With this in mind we are all responsible to one another and nature. We believe that the universe is sacred and we work to promote protection of natural resources, human rights, etc.

Toward these ends we can work in education others in these matters (organic agriculture, permaculture, etc), participate in protest, vote & write our politicians.. etc

Our mantra is "an harm none - do what thou will". This goes a step beyond "the golden rule" because it forces you to think beyond one on one interaction. For instance, If you decide to walk to work you are not only reducing the ozone you create (through driving) but your also are not using oil (a non-renewable resource).. you are also not part of the traffic jam.. which is causing idling.. thus causing more fuel to be consumed and thus ozone created.. etc

So while you have more freedom in your actions.. you also must think a bit more as to who/what your actions can cause. I liken this to the indian proverb of thinking of our actions and how they could effect the next 7 generations.. That can be a heavy load to carry.

Now heres where things can get confusing....

Where as christianity has the holy trinity (father/son/holy spirit). three-in-one.. but is still considered a monotheistic religion.

Pagans take a different view on this. And each pagan has their own view.. there is no "holy rule book" in paganism.

Some people, like the native americans, tend to see individual gods/goddesses.. mother earth/ father sky.. etc.

or in the case of paganism there can be Pan, Diana, Gaia, etc.. There are as many pantheons as there are cultures. Many gods/goddesses overlap but are called by different names in different cultures.

However where many pagans differ is if we believe each god(ess) is a physical/real individual being, or if each is an idea, or a different face (personality) of one god(ess).

I've not had a lot of experience working in this area.. I tend to just recognize "divinity" or a god and goddess. At this point in my life I feel as if each god/goddess is a facet (personality) of the divine. I also feel as if this divinity is androgynous. I've done enough work to know that there is something out there and not just something in my head.. Flashes of in-site or feelings of warmth.. I don't know how to describe it.. Love and security is the only way I can describe it.

Another thing I often here is that people think paganism is "Satanism" or devil worship.. Nonsense!!

Satan is a christian construct. We certainly don't worship something we don't believe in. Some would say "it's your hell, you burn in it", but I wouldn't be that hateful. I'm more into the live and let live side of things.

There's a lot of confusion about magic, ritual, spells.. etc so lets try to clear it up with some examples

Magic can be defined as manifesting change in our lives in compliance with our will

so what does that mean? or more importantly, how do we go about it?

we might use a spell (affirmation) in paganism.. or in christianity we might use a prayer. In essence they are the same thing. Both are put forth to effect a change we would like to come about.. an intention.

rituals can be likened to a mass or a sunday service. The idea here is that there is power (energy) in numbers.

I'll leave you with one further though. Pagans typically celebrate the wheel of the year.. which follows agricultural cycles .Samhain(prononced sou-en) coincides with halloween. Yule roughly with Christmas. Ostara falls around easter (ever wonder about the eggs coming from the bunny? look up Persephone story).

christanity has pagan roots.
We don't try to recruit people, we don't try to convert people. We will freely share
our views if you ask, but we won't try to force them on you.

Many folks think we're evil, troublemakers, etc.. but nothing could be further from the truth. So next time you're working at the soup kitchen, helping clean up a park, etc.. and you are really impressed by that "glow" you're getting from someone.. they might well be a pagan.. food for though.

Any questions feel free to ask..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Bright Spirit Passes -,0

While I am truly sad that my aunt has passed, I am grateful she is no longer in the pain she endured for the past 4-5 years.

The family struggled with the life support option, but in the end she was sound of mind to make clear she wanted none of that.. she was ready to go on her terms.

She will be greatly missed!! She touched so many lives, including mine.
She had devoted her life to God, and was truly devoted to living her convictions. She was always a kind ear and was always willing to share her views, but would never force them on you..

For as long as I can remember she loved playing music, the piano, and singing. Her and Bob (her husband of 50+ years) made several recordings than I recall.

One that kept running through my mind at the funeral goes , I don't know the title, "Little boy in the field why do you cry, can't you hear your mother say, I'll see you again someday". Then I heard them queue up "wind beneath my wings". That's when the fountains turned on in my eyes. :)

The graveside service was spectacular as well. We let balloons soar on the wind (I know, not enviromental but...). ..

One thing this also brings to mind is how, no matter what spirituality you practice, the idea that the spirit lives on is often shared between them... Something to reflect on this Samhain

Monday, October 18, 2010

Reality: Destiny or Perception

here is a poem I wrote while we were camping this week.. Hope ya'll enjoy it

Red, Yellow, Brown, Green

The color of the leaves raining down

Cool nights, warm sunny days

A kiss of warm wind, sun at my back

Fall is upon us, but what is fall?

It sounds so daunting

Impending death or promise of renewed life, come spring?

Squirrels frantically gathering food for winter.

Is winter something to dread?

Or is winter perhaps a time for reflection?

A look at the past for lessons learned and a look to the future, planning.

Is the glass half empty or half full?

What is reality?

Are we just a cog in evolution, tied to a preplanned


Or is our reality our perception?

Something we can change at will?

Isn’t that the very definition of magic?

Are we responsible only to ourselves?

Or are we also responsible to our global community?

How do we help others to heal when we ourselves are hurting?

What if we don’t come together as a community?

What will happen to Gaia?

Will humans become the next “endangered species”?

We are inseparable.

We are Gaia and Gaia is part of us.

What we do to her we ultimately do to ourselves

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Place of Power (Remember)

Here's another poem I wrote at VWC this year

Green trees
majestic mountains
the clouds
darling some places
while letting sun through to others
more of the latter, blue sky
The whisper of the wind, her breath
the rain her tears
a mountain stream her healing waters
The sun

And through these images we see our lives
more light than dark
more joy than pain
more hope than desperation

But we can also hear her cry
a cry for help, Listen

Her breath speaks of oxygen depletion
her streams of mercury poisoning
why are we so careless, do we not care?
Do we not see we are killing ourselfs and our children?

magic is all around us, everyday, everywhere we look.
Awake before it's too late!! Remember!!


Behold there is magic all around us
Behold there is magic all around us
Behold there is magic all around us

Awaken, Rejoice and Sing!!

HuckleFaery Video

HuckleFaery and I met at VWC this year, and already he is a close friend. The Hagalaz group we were in was close knit and there was a lot of magic there. Very transformative for sure.
This video is very awesome advice no matter what hostile environment you may find yourself in.

It's nice to see people out there that can be true to their beliefs regardless of where they find themselves.

I know a lot of what I call "sabbat pagans" or "sunday christians" (ie. those who only follow tradition during those times).
That is not the impression I get of Huckle.

Here's to continued strength to make it through any dark times you maybe facing.

Love & Light,


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Love is the answer

Love is the answer
Sounds cliché doesn't it?

But when you stop to think about it, here are some of the things we say/think on a semi-regular basis

In perfect love and perfect trust
Unconditional love
Peace is the way

Lets take a look at each one

In perfect love and perfect trust -- what does it mean? How can anything be "perfect"? What baseline do
we use to determine "perfect". Is it simply an ideology? I feel that the word perfect here would better be replaced with unconditional.. Then it takes on somewhat tangible meaning, clarity if you will.

Unconditional love -- now this one is given lots of spin but, in reality, it's just been that. We talk about people who have "unconditional love" for one another, though we usually find that they have taken a vow to "forsake all others" and are expected to live by some moral rules that someone else has made for them, usually the church, but sometimes one's culture. So how is this Unconditional love? It's not.. It's basically saying I love you as long as you do/don't do whatever prescribed thing is being discussed. Not that boundaries are "bad" but this shouldn't be considered unconditional..

Peace is the way -- This one gets a lot of play as well. But the world really doesn't want peace, not really, there's no money in it…

If we really wanted peace then would we be taught hate? Think about it… We are taught to hate other cultures,
hate other people, hate our bodies, hate hate hate!!! There's no peace in that… only bloody war..

If we really want peace then we've got to wipe away the hate and promote love, in all it's forms. We've got to get the state and the church out of our collective pants. Is this to say that sex is the way to peace.. Not in and of itself.

What I am saying is that we should be free to love one another, be it sexually or otherwise, this is how communities are formed. This is how things have been in the past and how, I feel, things will need to be in the future if we plan to survive after the system crashes.

I think industrialization, globalization, the interstate highway system, etc are what put an end to a lot of community.. If you follow the sustainable, local, CSA movements you can get a picture of "how it use to be" and what , I feel, we need to get back to.

To be fair, most of us aren't aware of all this. We've been prone to our inculturation.. Which basically says, we are individuals, it's everyone for themselves, consumerism, follow archaic moral codes.. etc

So imagine the surprise when we discover something different!! Very eye-opening, very refreshing..

I'll end this entry with a few quotes I find inspiring. These were taken from the book "Polyamory in the 21st century - love and intimacy with multiple partners"

ZEGG Community

"At ZEGG, free love is considered an essential step toward a new culture of peace, partnership, and sustainability." Their belief is that the only way to a free society is to create a world where love is freed.

Samuel Widmer

"We are lovers. Our guru, whom we serve, is the power of love. We are no longer in competitive relationship with each other, we have envy and jealously behind us. We have learned to rejoice in the happiness and success of others. That is why love and intimacy between us is possible, a common flowering, in which we share all the happiness and love together. Those of us who have become a vessel of love are kings and queens. Because they are the love, they are our gurus, our teachers."

Dane Rudhyar

"What is needed now … is a new type of group relationship in which the individual ego-patterns, and the conjugal tensions can be absorbed, smoothed out and harmonized by a sense of common dedication to a vital social-cutural and spiritual purpose -- a transforming purpose. What is needed is a group of a few adults, perhaps from four to ten, which can provide a varied and loving, but not possessive and complex-ridden environment in which children may grow up in multiple interplay … The seed group should not be conceived in terms of 'hedonistic' purpose -- ie, for the sake of pleasure and comfort -- but rather in terms of what I would call a heroic determination to help create a new type of social consciousness based on an open, unpossessive and polyvalent love."

John Lennon - Mind games

We're playing those mind games together,
Pushing barriers, planting seeds,
Playing the mind guerilla,
Chanting the Mantra peace on earth,
We all been playing mind games forever,
Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil.
Doing the mind guerilla,
Some call it the search for the grail,
Love is the answer and you know that for sure,
Love is flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow,
So keep on playing those mind games together,
Faith in the future outta the now,
You just can't beat on those mind guerillas,
Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind,
Yeah we're playing those mind games forever,
Projecting our images in space and in time,
Yes is the answer and you know that for sure,
Yes is the surrender you got to let it, you got to let it go,
So keep on playing those mind games together,
Doing the ritual dance inn the sun,
Millions of mind guerrillas,
Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel,
Keep on playing those mind games forever,
Raising the spirit of peace and love, not war,
(I want you to make love, not war, I know you've heard it before)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Music is dance for the soul

Music is dance for the soul

ok so most of us are moved by some form of music. But what about the music moves us?
Is it the words? the rhythm? or is it something else entirely?

when you hear a song for the first time, what do you hear? How about on subsequent listens?

How do you feel? Does this also change? Say once you know the words and the beat? or depending on the mood you're in? or the setting?

Is music just background noise to you? or do you connect/believe in a deeper meaning? Do you find yourself trancing when your listening?

Personally I find I am most moved by music I can relate to on some level. Typically music that is both aesthetically and lyrically pleasing and conveys some matter of my beliefs on whatever subject/level.

Typically that means Pink Floyd. :) David Gilmour is both an excellent lyricist and guitar god. His word put together with his "singing and flying" solos can take me on a round trip from depressed to joy…
I often find myself trancing out to them. Inner journeys. This is the music I listen to when I want to relax at the end of the day.

One thing I find about music is there is something new I experience each time I listen. I typically hear a song rhythm the first time, then listen again for the words, then decide if I like it enough to listen again and try to put meaning to it. sometimes I get to stage two and just enjoy it for a while. Maybe get the meaning over time.. savor it.

Mood and setting absolutely has to do with how I feel about a song or music in general. If I'm pissed I might want the music loud and unruly (Pantera), or muted and calming (some Floyd). On the other hand if I'm meditating or doing magic or spiritual work I might want Anugama. I typically don't like songs I know well that have word when I'm doing this kind of work.. because I end up singing instead of trancing..

Music can be background.. as in the setting above… but it is a major part of my life. I can't play or read mind you.. but I love to listen..

So to me music is dance for the soul.. anything than can so radically change my mood or thoughts is powerful.. and welcome

But then again.. I'm crazy!!

we are stardust we are golden and we got to get ourselves back to the garden

Friday, September 24, 2010

The words we Speak become the house we Live in.. Ahh!!

But what does this mean? How does it apply to our lives, our world, our spirituality?

The words we Speak become the house we Live in..

Thoughts and actions..

When we reflect on this phrase we see that speech is, quite literally, our "inner-face" between our thoughts
and actions. "The house we live in" then represents our perceived reality. This reality is also how others perceive us, as in the phrase "walking your talk".

With all the issues we, as a world community face today, it is difficult to keep a Positive attitude. It's to easy to feel hopeless and start that downward spiral into negative self-talk.. to the point of depression, hopelessness, and beyond. I speak from experience!! While I still struggle with this (old habits die hard), I am working to recover.

Witchcamp this year was a true eye opener to me. I had lost most of my trust in people and hope for the situations we face as a planet. I took "The Bardic path" at camp. I've go to be honest, I was scared shitless to take this path. I'm not a person who is comfortable around people nor do I like to share my work/views with others, mostly because I've kept myself so closed off from the world, I was tired of being hurt. I knew Alphonsus was one of the path leaders and so I took a chance. I'm so glad I did!! The work we did was so profound. It was nothing I'd consider esoteric, but it was not you're typically daily thought patterns either. I come away with the feeling that words are indeed important, as is silence, and play as important as get at what really matters.

So was it coincidence then,that I was part of the Hagalaz rune group? I knew change was imminent and though "oh shit!! Just what I need, more chaos in my life". Again, it turns out it was change for good..

I had an epiphany: Love IS the answer and Music is the dance of the Soul.

Yet again, Something so simple but so isolated in thought and action today.

I've lots more to write but I'll end with a quote from by FM Esfandiary

"The single individual who is relatively free of imprinting can function with versatility, freedom, and autonomy, and can begin to express a new kind of commitment - commitment not to a specific individual, not to an attachment figure, but to a much greater environment. If it is possible for us to identify with and be committed to a specific person or group, it ought to become possible for us to reprogram so that we can begin to identify with and be committed to ALL HUMANITY!! If we can transcend imprinting, it is possible to empathize with everybody… Individuals who are committed to their creative work, to causes, jobs and movements, are already moving in this direction of greater commitment. Ultimately, commitment to planet and all humanity will replace commitment to clan, family, or nation."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Mabon!!

Oops, forgot my brain today ;) Happy Mabon

And a little about Mabon shamelessly lifted from

It is the time of the autumn equinox, and the harvest is winding down.

The fields are nearly empty, because the crops have been plucked and

stored for the coming winter. Mabon is the mid-harvest festival, and it

is when we take a few moments to honor the changing seasons, and

celebrate the second harvest. On or around September 21, for many Pagan

and Wiccan traditions it is a time of giving thanks for the things we

have, whether it is abundant crops or other blessings.


ok this maybe sacrilege.. hell I'm pagan so go figure, right?

Haagen-Dazs is the yummiest thing
it is churned in the freezer of heaven
and tossed about in the freezer case
then it melts in your mouth.

Hail and welcome Haagen-Dazs

Ooops its gone.. Yum!!

Subscribe in a reader

Friday, September 17, 2010

If this stone could talk

Another poem

If this stone could talk it would tell
of it's formation, the heat of magma,
the cooling with time and water,
what it's made from, what it breaks down into,
it's elements. It's journey as a whole
and in part. It's wisdom from those journeys, trials
and tribulations, joys and pains.
What it's seen, or not seen, where it's been,
where it hopes to go.
It is mystery but, all will be reveled, in time.
A human lifetime is but a blip on a stones radar.
Who counts time in eons instead of hours and minutes.

If this stone could talk, perhaps it could teach us forgotten
skills, or provide insite on how to save ourselves, from ourselves.

Perhaps we would listen, if this stone could talk.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


As promised.. here is one of the poems I wrote during camp this year


What's that you say?

Why the hurtful words?

Do you think before you speak, or simply spew the hatred?

Reacting with empty thought, instead of loving intent.

Are you able to hear the words over the anger?

Are you able to see the pain you cause?

Do you feel emotion or only cold comfort?

You are not alone!!

How can we heal the wounds that cause the pain?

The pain that makes one react so

How do we convey our true emotions,

instead of a rough outer shell?

What if humanity suddenly lost the ability to speak?

What if we had to communicate by sight and feel only?

How would this changer emotions,

Our thoughts and actions?

Would we be so materialistic,

or would we see our time as more valuable?

Would we still exploit each other and this universe,

or do all we could to heal her?

Would we see and feel the pain?

Be silent for a day, or even for an hour.

Observe, listen, see, feel

Sunday, August 29, 2010

WitchCamp The Runes -- Hagalaz

Hail is the whitest of grain;It is whirled from the vault of heavenand is tossed about by gusts of wind and then it melts into water.

Powerful. Amazing

At camp this year were were working with Odin and Freya. The story was how Odin hung for 9 days from the world tree (would you know more?)

anyway we broke into ritual groups by drawing a rune from a pot. Mine was Hagalaz.. Wow!! Transformation. Imagine that... couldn't be mine.. LOL

I'll not say much more but It was a very powerful week. I don't know about transformation (takes time) but I do have clarification of intention.. and that's a hell of a start.

We wrote an invocation about Hagalaz for ritual. Once I get a copy from our group leader I'll post it here.

overall it was an awesome camp. I made some new friends, renewed some old friendships, and learned a lot about myself. And I even wrote some new poems!!!

There was a lot more camper involvement with ritual this year and I loved it.. We had to do an invocation for center.. it's hard to describe in words. I was impressed with it because we used no words. It was silent and was a dance.. I was worried it might be to abstract but I could tell by audience reaction that it came across loud and clear :)

Path was awesome as well. I took "The Bard's path".. I was scared to death. I am, by nature, an introvert (not that you could tell right?). I don't share my feelings or works (poetry) easily. But I felt comfortable doing so this year. I also made a point to talk with new campers and anyone I'd seen at camp and never really talked with.. I was just radiant with energy. It was invigorating. Best camp of the 3 years I've gone, says I.

The down side to this is coming back to "the real" world.. Obviously it would be unwise to be so open daily. For one everyone would think you crazy (not that that would be much different, from what they think of me anyway), but then there are those energy vampires who tend to drain you... So how do we take the energy we build and use it in daily life? I welcome your opinions.

enough for now. Just thought I better post and let everyone know I hadn't fallen into the void, never to be seen again. ;)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where's the light at the end of the tunnel?

So last year at camp we briefly discussed staying inspired (happy, positive, whatever) while surrounded by all the shit that goes with (or what passes for) modern civilization. But we obviously didn't discuss enough.

Do you ever feel that no matter what you do nothing ever improves, perhaps only gets worse? For instance, one could live completely green (whatever that is).. Solar, get around on a horse, build and farm sustainably, recycle, compost, etc. But what real impact does one person have against all the wrongs and injustices?

I suppose one could argue that you are setting an example for others to notice and follow. But is that really happening anywhere? I know around here environmentalist are scorned and those that show interest in organics are patronized (patted on the back and told that it's not worth the extra $$ and effort).. Sounds like big business has a lot of folks by the balls.

But then again I'm amazed at what the majority of folks will believe. What passes for life.

I mean, is it really any wonder why more people don't vote; or if they do they only vote based on the smear campaign ads on TV? If they're working 60+ hrs per week what else can they do, do they honestly have time to research the candidates and their voting records? Doubtful.

Or do those christians really read and live what they profess to believe? Do they even know what they believe? or are they taking the dangerous path of believing what their minister tells them? Are we headed back to the dark ages? To a time before the enlightenment? Where no one but the enlightened were allowed to read and preach their interpretation of the gospel.. Sounds more like a Cult to me..

I feel this is where we get so many of our fundamentalist fanatics. They read (or hear) a passage from the "holy book" and take it out of context (much like politicians and journalist are wot to do) bending it to suit their current pet causes.

But here's something most folks don't think about. Where did religion start? What agenda did the "translators" have?

Hmm Let's look at religion for a second from the perspective of the ruling class. Religion professes to a moral basis with rules to live by if one wants to get to heaven.

So let's see how this works for the working class.

Thou shall not kill.. unless it is to further spread christianity (crusades anyone? .. suffer not a witch to live), for goods we (ruling class must control).

Thou shall not steal.. once again, unless it is for control for the ruling class (of course they always pass it off as being for the country's benefit)

Thou shall not commit adultery.. what's that? Oh yes, making free people the property of others. In reality this was likely put in place to ensure bloodlines. Would hate to have royal bloodlines mixing with "commoners".

Thou shall not covet.. Now of course we wouldn't want anyone thinking how they would like to have something like what we have.. It might get into their head to try and steal it.. Because we know they'd never be able to buy it with the "generous" salary we pay, or the new taxes we put in place to give us more wealth.. Can't have that. What we want to do is make them want what they can have, but then make the work harder/longer to get it.. only to have the price raised and the prize snatched from them.. we'll call this inflation..

I could go on but I think the picture is coming into focus.

Now let's look at modern day happenings.

Big business has control of not just the US, but the entire world. The scariest part is that it's got the food chain!! This scares the shit out of me. How are they ultimately going to control us all? Tax us to death, work us to death? That's a start. But for those of us who are tougher to break.. well they'll try and starve us out.. that is if they can keep from destroying the planet long enough.

So many people today are unable to think outside the box. They essentially have no life other than work, eat, sleep. That's why TV is so popular. They can sit down and veg out. Pretend to get informed by watching a bit of news (propaganda). But when it comes right down to it they are sheep..

They believe that organic/sustainability is a fad.. it could never work, couldn't feed the world.. etc

Hmmm maybe it's time to wake the fuck up!!! Maybe.. hopefully before it's too late.

What we should all be thinking about is 7 generations from now. What will be left, what do we have a right to?

Should we be destroying/using up all the natural (and often un-renewable) resources? or is it wiser to conserve so that future generations can enjoy what we have enjoyed?

Maybe instead of having 4-10 kids we could adopt.. or maybe have 1-2 max..

maybe promote birth control instead of abstinence education.

Maybe instead of teaching sex is bad/dirty/evil.. we should teach responsible safe sex practices..

or we could implement the technology for
alternative fuels/energy sources.

But then that would loosen control of the elite class.. and that's the last thing they want.

Independent thought is dangerous.. to those in power..

So instead they keep us all disoriented and misinformed. Having us fighting against one another and for the status quo.. till we have no time or energy for anything else.


But then these are just ramblings of a madman... or are they?

Now Sports!!

I see the homeless sleeping on a cold dark street, like bodies in an open grave underneath a broken down neon sign that use to read "Jesus Saves".

A mile away live the rich folk, and I see how they're living it up. While the poor they eat from hand to mouth, rich drink from a golden cup.

It just makes me wonder why so many lose while so few win.

Give me something to believe in."


Monday, July 19, 2010

Love it

Ok this isn't really the image I wanted. Found one that says. " You pray, we dance naked in the woods" had a hippie guy and chick with pentagram.. Oh well Meanings the same.

Just something that cheered me up today..

Helen and I have been having an awsome time. My Dad went to Alaska for 2 weeks and we are house sitting. Ah.. peace/quiet/air conditioning/pool what more could we ask for?

Than and VWC is coming up fast, Yea!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Disinformation about farming

I was reading an interesting thread over at Homesteading Today and thought it very well sums up what I feel is going on today

Disinformation : false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth.
Merriam Webster dictionary

When we first bought our place here it came with cattle. The family who sold it to us had health issues that forced them to move to town and they were glad they didn't have to take their cows to the sale barn. They were members of The Cattlemen's association and recommended that we join. It had lots of perqs like free monthly dinners sponsored by various Ag businesses and free loaner equipment and access to field bulls when needed. We joined a couple of other groups and got our kids in 4-H and found ourselves flooded with magazines and catalogues and listening to various agribusiness speakers.

Before we decided to buy a farm we had done our homework and we had read a lot and we mainly wanted just to feed our family of 5 good healthy organic food. We found very quickly that all the information that was being shoveled our way was giving the same message over and over and it flew in the face of organic. Questions along the lines of anything vaguely green or organic either got us pitying looks, vapid looks or the party line explaining to us why that was nice for our garden if we really liked pitiful looking crops and extra work but to be farmers we needed piles and piles of their stuff. And oh the stuff to be had! The latest feeds, minerals, pesticides, herbicides, sprays, grass seeds, other seeds, on and on it went. And then of course there was all the shiny new equipment and stuff, stuff and more stuff.

Course then you had the agri lenders always happy to sort you out a loan for all that stuff. And everyone was happy to commiserate with all of the farmers on how the cost of farming was so high and the income so low and how terrible that all was. They lauded farmers to the high heavens because they were feeding the world and nobody understood how hard it was and what heroes farmers really are.

Well we tried for a while to keep asking questions and throwing out ideas and eventually we gave up and found some like minded people who understood us and could answer our questions and we found a pretty good sized thriving and growing community of organic farmers. A lot of them were kids who were passionate about farming and they were all starting small and building from there. They were making a decent living at it too.

On the other hand the conventional farmers were up to their eyeballs in debt with all that neato stuff and it finally hit us that the reality was there were people making one heck of a lot of money off of agriculture in America and it was sadly not those farmers. It was the people in agribusiness. All those people handing out those free magazines and bringing those monthly free dinners and mailing out butt loads of disinformation. They were making money hand over fist.

So here is my question for you: why do you believe what you believe about farming? Is it because you are bombarded by people all telling you the same things? Is it possible that they have an agenda? Maybe to have you put in all the blood, sweat and tears and come out poorer in the end so they can sit in their offices and rake in the bucks on your backs?

I hear the same things over and over again: No one can start in farming today unless they inherit land, it is just too expensive. Really? I can introduce you to 15 or 20 young farmers in my area who didn't inherit anything but they are making a good living off farming.

At the end of the year farmers will have spent more than they net in profits. Really? First why would you do that, that is insane? And second again I can introduce you to a lot of farmers who are pulling in way more than they spent.

Kellogg's makes $4 for a box of cornflakes and the farmer nets 4 cents on the corn. Seems to me if you really want to make money you need to start making cornflakes....

reminds me of The Pirate Radio Song by David Rovics. Here's a excerpt from that song:

This is how it started
It's not hard to understand
From coast to coast they're lying
At a CEO's command
From Nationalist Public Radio
Big Brother's spewing propaganda
From the Disinformation Ministry

I'll post the article I wrote about food and the like.. as soon as I locate it again. In the mean time, I welcome your thoughts and comments

Monday, July 12, 2010

Meaning of the Polyamory ribbon

I've had a few people ask what the blue,red, and black ribbon with the PI symbol represents. So I googled it for an in-depth explanation:

The Poly Ribbon displayed on a website indicates that the owner of that site supports the acceptance of polyamory as a socially accepted lifestyle. It does not necessarily mean that the owner of the site is practicing such a lifestyle, merely that s/he is in support of it. A link to this page serves to promote general awareness of the lifestyle and of this campaign.

The ribbon itself is based on a flag originally created by Jim Evans. A small version of the flag is shown in the border at left. As Jim states, the colors are significant: "blue, representing the openness and honesty among all partners with which we conduct our multiple relationships; red, representing love and passion; and black, representing solidarity with those who, though they are open and honest with all participants of their relationships, must hide those relationships from the outside world due to societal pressures. The symbol in the center of the flag is a gold Greek lowercase letter 'pi,' as the first letter of 'polyamory.' The letter's gold color represents the value that we place on the emotional attachment to others, be the relationship friendly or romantic in nature, as opposed to merely primarily physical relationships."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

More updates

well I've about got the wiring done (I hope). The walls/ceiling are painted and Helen is working on the cabinet doors!! Looking closer to moving in!!

next will be doing the seat covers/ curtains. still need to seal all the seams, get new tires, check the brakes..coat the roof with kool coat. then get brake controller for the truck... batteries... Yea still a lot to do but its coming together quickly. YEA!! Pictures soon

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


well we're still slaving to the trailer :) actually kind of enjoying it now that the mouse crap is gone.

Got to make this quick as I'm about out of battery!

water heater/stove/fridge work. Water has a leak but think its a $2 piece!!.. workin on lights.. gack

helen has been doing most of the paint work but I help out a bit when I get razzled on the light thing.

Ok bye bye..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Home

Well sort of. We bought this camper.

Doing a little work on it. It needs new tires, a good cleaning and testing of appliances. Helen and I have been cleaning.. lots of mice bodies and poop.. yech!!

Took me about a day to get the tail/turn lights working. Now I'm working on the dc fuse box. The plug was cut on the trailer. And I had to rewire the plug on the truck.. but thats another story.

We got the fridge semi running. It runs but it's not getting super cold. May need cleaned. Its gas/electric. haven't tried it on gas yet.

it has a stove and heater that are gas as well.. haven't tried those yet either. ah I see a pattern here.

maybe I'm just paranoid but I don't like messing with gas until I'm sure what I'm doing.. ie how the hell to light it.

there is a water leak to deal with.. broken pipe(s) dunno yet. I've also got to do some maintenance on the roof.

Ok so it sounds like piece of work but its really nice. It's a place to start.. stay dry/warm. Plus it's small enough it should motivate us to get started on a house sooner rather than later :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Beltaine

ok so its a day early but, since we don't have internet at home.. why not

Ah spring is here and love is in the air. Enjoy..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just a quick, friendly reminder that tomorrow is Earth Day. Though we celebrate tomorrow, we should make everyday Earth Day.. after all We only have one planet..

Love and Peace to all. Celebrate Spring, Mama Gaia, and life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Long time Eh!

Ok I know it's been a LONG time since I posted. Been busy with tomatoes and peppers and the like. Not much else to post currently But thought I'd drop a note to let everyone (if anyone is reading this) know We're still alive and well and hadn't forgotten the blog.. maybe just neglected it it for a while.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pictures as promised

ok it took me a while to get these posted..

The tomatoes are much larger now. The snow picture was taken day on march Ostara.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care - YES We Can

Once again Mr. Obama proves he's not just talk. He promised reform and was able to deliver congress to a very narrow vote.

As was expected the republicans pissed and moaned.. at one point even trying to get the bill sent back for a revote... essentially a ploy to try and kill it.

Obama made a nice, if brief, speech afterward. I do believe that He and Nancy P. have earned their place in the history books.

What a great way to be able to celebrate Ostara (ok a day late but still)..

Hmm let see yesterday was cold and MO is hell. So I guess it's true, it was a cold day in hell when the health care bill passed ;)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bloody Hell

I'm so sick of this health care bit. Especially republicans bitching about how its unfair how the voting is going, how dems are ignoring them, blah blah blah.. It seems they forget they rubber stamped nearly every thing W suggested..

If it's ok for them then why not for the dems? Oh yea, because its going to cost the upper crust (the top 1%) money.. Wouldn't want that would we??!!!..

I mean come on.. It's obvious that the republican agenda caters to big business and the rich. I don't understand how so many are fooled into thinking otherwise. I mean I understand a lot of folks are conservative with their money. Duh, but theres a difference in protecting your earnings and being fooled into thinking you are.. which is precisely how the republican party works.

I also find it ironic that people are bitching about how gas prices are so high, how high Obama is going to make taxes go, etc... Here's a clue folks. Obama is taking on the responsibilities that previous administrations (since the 60-70's) ignored. Basically we are going to be paying now for what would have cost far less then. For example, If we'd made provisions for health care, responsible emissions, etc at that time, we wouldn't be looking at the debt we are now to get it all fixed. But instead we chose cheap oil and to let big business rule.

Lets face it people have always wanted cheaper... but that cheaper usually bites you in the butt. Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it (or pay for it) again.

You can see this mentality with stores as well. Take a look at Walmart. They roll into town, are give tax abatements to setup shop in the community because it will "bring business and jobs to the community".. Ah but the rub is the jobs it brings are bottom barrel, no benefits jobs. Not to mention it drives local businesses out. So are jobs truly created? or simply juggled for something worse?

Then there is quality. Pay 3X the price Walmart wants and have it last a lifetime, or run to wally world and buy it for 1/3 but have to buy it 3 separate times. Sorry but my time is worth more than that.

This is to say nothing of how the workers who make these products are treated. Hmm wonder why quality is so low? Would you give a shit about quality of a product if you were making below poverty wages and had not benefits? I know I wouldn't.

This is but one of the things wrong with america today. Will we wakeup before it's too late? I hope so but I'm not optimistic.


Ok I know I haven't blogged much lately. With spring on its way we've been busy with our (hopefully) green thumb. I'll post some pictures of our tomato seedlings in the coming days. Got a lot.. We planted a 36 cell tray with 2 seeds in each hoping 1 each would germinate. Well Most all sprouted. I think we've got something like 50+ tomato plants of varying variety. So much so i had to divide them already. think I've go 20 more in tray two.

Started the peppers but no germination yet. Just hooked the light up over them though so maybe a week or so.

Anyway. Doing a bit of renovation to the site. I put the bumperstickers into a slideshow... Hope this makes the page a bit less time to load. I know it was making it graphics heavy.

Guess that's about it for now.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vermont is calling

I've been digging through my flickr photos and ran across a couple that are really making me long for vermont

This was taken at the Berlin pond, just outside Montpelier in the fall of 2007.

This one was taken in southern vermont on Kelley Stand Road. This is a lovely 15+/-mile drive with a very lovely campground "Grout Pond" at the eastern end. It doesn't get much more beautiful or remote than this. The playground for nature spirits if anyplace is. One word of caution though, make sure you drive slow and have a vehicle with good ground clearance, this is where I ripped the oil pan off our vdub beetle. No cell service for miles either.. Luckily folks in that part of the country are much friendlier and will actually stop to see if things are ok..

But I digress. We'll be heading up to VT soon (I hope in May). For sure be heading there in August for Witch Camp!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring on its way.

A Prayer in Spring

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest, keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.

Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.

And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill, And off a blossom in mid air stands still.

For this is love and nothing else is love,
To which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends he will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.

Robert Frost

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Winter Games and Dreams of Spring

I'm not a big sports fan. I hate football and very rarely watch any sports save maybe a couple inning a year of baseball. But I do enjoy the winter games. Unfortunately, we currently reside with the in-laws, who think football, survivor, and daytime soaps are the only worthwhile pastime..

I did get to see some of the couples ice skating, a little downhill, and some regular ice skating.. It's refreshing to see people who are so enthusiastic and driven. Most Americans do good to be enthusiastic about anything beyond the weekend or their next bottle of beer, or fast food feast. In fact, I'd venture to say, the only other thing most Americans get so pumped up about is religion, and most of the time thats the sunday christian type, not the real christian. But I digress.

Watching the winter olympics makes you think about (or in some cases long for) spring. So, While we are still stuck here in MO... I'll post some springtime pictures of VT. I guess most places look about the same in winter.. minus the Beautiful mountains.. but hey.. I'm posting so I'll post my likes. It only fair since it is my blog ;)

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Helen pointed this cartoon out to me in the local new paper and I though .. how typical of the republican/fundamentalist rhetoric of our area (buckle of the bible belt).. but upon further reflection, this sentiment crosses party lines. Obama's message was strong and many though he would make all these changes overnight I suppose. That's just not reality. It will likely take more than four (or even eight) to fix what Bush fucked up.

As usual though we Americans want change Yesterday.. but ask for it tomorrow. I hope Obama is all that he claims to be, but in the long run he is just a figure head with very little power. Its all about how persuasive he can be with congress... They say the proof is in the pudding and I think we should all keep that in mind when we ask for the improbable.

The easy can be fixed quickly, the impossible takes a bit longer ;)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dreaming of spring

I know its a bit early yet but the past few weeks have been dark and grim. Glad to see the sun this day.

"Equal dark, equal light
Flow in Circle, deep insight
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
The transformation of energy!
So it flows, out it goes
Three-fold back it shall be
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
the transformation of energy!"

~Night An'Fey, Transformation of Energy

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bridget and the Bees

This story was written by Donald L. Engstrom/Reese, a fellow VWC'er, back in 2006.

It deals with one of our favorite goddesses and bees.. Which we are considering.. Remember bees are one of the primary pollinators on this earth. If they become extinct.. we become extinct..For without them there is little food.. and even less natural beauty

Bridget and the Bees

Biddy has a fine, sweet garden on the other side of the mountain
Apples grow on trees there which are harvested twice a year
The bees have honey roads in every cardinal direction from the mountain
And there is sugar sprinkled on everything my love eats.

From the song, "Brid Thomais Mhurchu"

Our story is a living story. Our story is a never ending story of Brigid and the bees.

Our story is a poem, a song, an image that we all co-create throughout our lives with every act we take, every dream we dream, every spell we make.

Our story is a beautiful lush orchard in a mountain meadow in a magical place -- deeply rooted in this continent, in this place, in this land and in each of our own homes.

Our story is in that mythic place, behind the mists, called Avalon.

Our story is in a place deep within us.

Our story is in every sacred orchard, in every garden of delight. Our story is in the here and now, throughout all time and possibility. Our story sings a song of hope and potentiality. Listen deep. Hear the music, the poetry, the buzzing of bees.

We begin our story in an orchard kept by Brighid; Flaming Arrow, Interconnecting Circles of Light, Sacred Flame, Three-tongued Flame, Defender of the People, Protector of the Poor, Friend of Bees, Triple Gidden of healing, forge and poetry, Golden One, Holy Well, Healing Spring, She who holds the Mysteries of the endless Spiralic Nature of Being. The land of this orchard is held in sovereignty by Bridgit. We join Her in nurturing this Good Green Earth.

This story is of this land, this orchard, this mountain, this continent, this planet -- This story is of all covered by the mantle of Her magic. Breathe deep and send your roots down.

This story is of the waters. Bridgit holds sacred each spring and well, river and stream, lake and pond. She holds them sacred to healing, sacred to dreaming, sacred to life. Bridgit delights in embodied water. She embraces our wet flesh. She licks our lush moist lips calling forth the juices of our loins, our thighs, our sighs. She infuses the red rivers running through out our muscle and bone, our nerve and gland, our organs of animal flesh, with the eternal vitality spiraling throughout the multiverse.

This story is of the waters. Drink deep and be well.

This story is of the honey roads that run back and forth between the cardinal directions and Biddy’s orchard, the honey roads that star burst into every known and unknown, seen and unseen direction, into every realm and reality.

This story is of the honey roads that lead between every beating heart. Stand still and feel these spirit maps on the tips of your fingers.

This story is of the bees that are drawn to deliver the sweetness of this orchard throughout the multiverse.

This story is of the honey that the bees deliver along every road, path, and highway, taking the sweetness and nourishment, transporting the blessings and gifts, carrying their cargo of compassion to where it is needed. It is good to know that the goodness of this honey is spread upon every good thing that we eat. It is good to declare our dedication to this multiversal sweetness. It is good to savor these mysteries; No matter the shape of the comb the honey is always wholesome and sweet. It's blessings informs all beauty, all delights, all delicious experiences of wonder. This golden treasure prepares our hearts for the sweet changes that radical understanding brings. The bees follow their hearts’ calling. Hear them hum and whisper as they joyfully travel their trade routes. Deeply taste this honey. Dare to take in it's essence.

This story is the hammer and anvil ringing on the forge with our Earth partnerships, our poetry, our healing, singing out our pledges as they fly sparking in every direction. Sing your pledges out loud.

This story is of the flame of courage, compassion and justice, the flame of transformation, desire and direction, the flame of manifestation, the making and the unmaking. This story is inside the flame. Feel the light of Bridget's flame inside you, inside us, inside each other. Be with the heat, the light, the glow that surrounds all beings.

This story is of the hearth, the heart of family, clan and community. The power of the honey pot on the pantry shelf permeates all that is prepared in our kitchens of love. The spring waters of delight infuse our sacramental teas, our healing broths, our saucy beauty. The cooking stove's holy companion sautes the leeks and mushrooms, bakes the breads and pies, it's flame a true friend of all who dwell within the arms of Bride.

This story is of connection. Reach out. Brighid is reaching to us, Her hands longing to bring our hands To Her lips. She touches our lives in the most real of real ways. Touch the Earth and each other.

Let us all, human, Mysterious One and otherwise, claim our own sweet lives, awake, aware, with clear intention, choosing to fully immerse ourselves in the rich loving possibilities offered to each and every one of us.

Let us follow the honey roads, delivering golden transformation to every realm and reality.

Let us dare to heal with each touch, finger to finger, heart to heart, spirit to spirit, as we remember who we are and our potential for living in glory and wonder.

Let us cook each course with love and compassion, creating feasts of companionship each time we touch skillet or cauldron.

Our story is a living story.

Our story is a never ending story of Brigid and the bees.

Our story is a poem, a song, an image that we all co-create throughout our lives with every act we take, every dream we dream, every spell we make.

Blessed Be.

Monday, February 1, 2010


In February
All of a sudden there's a lot more light
And it's a warm light - snow melts off the roof,
The first lambs are born in the barn cellar,
The hens start laying, the mare comes into season,
And I notice that the geraniums at the window
Have pushed their stalks up eight inches
And covered them with brick-pink blossoms.

Every day I wake up earlier
And my bones crack as I sit up and stretch.
When I poke my boot through a drift in the field
I find clover growing green beneath it.
Now the sap is running,
And when I drive my sleigh up to the wood lot
I see three young maple bushes
Deeply scored with new bear scratches.

Oh warm light,
Couldn't you have waited a little longer?
How safe we were in the dead of winter,
How gently we dreamed,
How beautiful it was to sleep under the snow!

Kate Barnes

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Shiny Pendant

Picked up this awsome pendant online the other day over at AbzuEmporium
I love it.

I plan to do business with them again soon as I want some of these

Friday, January 15, 2010

Posession Followup

OK, you've had a few days to gather your thoughts on possession. Here are mine. I'm sure I'm forgetting some as I don't have my journal in front of me.

I know paganism has something called aspecting, and there are seances as well. So I've not doubt that its possible for , what I refer to as, spirits to take over your body.

While with aspecting/seance we are inviting spirit(s) into our body (hosting it), with possession you are taken over by it/them.

By that very statement then I would think that any spirit/entity that "takes over" your body/mind without you're invitation would be considered malevolent . Would I call it a demon? No, for to me angels and demons smack to much of organized religion. I would say they are dispossessed spirits.

Now for my take on spirits vs ghost:

To me ghost are more like memories. They tend to repeat the same actions over and over, hoping for different results. They are movie loops if you will. They can take the form of an image you see, hear, sense (cold/hot spots), etc. They can certainly scare you out of your wits, but they can do no physical harm to you.

Spirits on the other hand, I consider to be thought forms.. not much different than you or I except they are Incorporeal. And these certainly can physically/mentally harm you.. or more specifically, use your body/mind to make you harm yourself.

Now before anyone takes me to task on these points. Please realize these are just my thoughts on the subject, I've never actually seen/experienced any of the material above.

Leave comments with your thoughts.. I'm looking forward to the replies.

Love & Light

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I saw "the exorcism of Emily Rose" over the weekend and it brought to mind some things I guess I've never though much about.

Such as:

Is there a distinction between spirits and ghost?

Are demons real? Or are they called something else if your not a christian or a catholic?

can a ghost harm you? What about a Spirit?

That's all I can think of for now... I'll let you brew over these for a while and then post my thoughts.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well we got snow again a few days ago. Just now digging out and getting to town. Did get out and play with the dog for a bit. I think she enjoyed it.

It's been pretty cool lately. got down to -4 last night with wind chills around -15. Not Vermont cold but formidable for Southern MO.

Got the truck out cause its suppose to snow again tomorrow. Got to feel her up... I mean fuel her up later this evening ;)