Tuesday, September 14, 2010


As promised.. here is one of the poems I wrote during camp this year


What's that you say?

Why the hurtful words?

Do you think before you speak, or simply spew the hatred?

Reacting with empty thought, instead of loving intent.

Are you able to hear the words over the anger?

Are you able to see the pain you cause?

Do you feel emotion or only cold comfort?

You are not alone!!

How can we heal the wounds that cause the pain?

The pain that makes one react so

How do we convey our true emotions,

instead of a rough outer shell?

What if humanity suddenly lost the ability to speak?

What if we had to communicate by sight and feel only?

How would this changer emotions,

Our thoughts and actions?

Would we be so materialistic,

or would we see our time as more valuable?

Would we still exploit each other and this universe,

or do all we could to heal her?

Would we see and feel the pain?

Be silent for a day, or even for an hour.

Observe, listen, see, feel

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