Friday, September 24, 2010

The words we Speak become the house we Live in.. Ahh!!

But what does this mean? How does it apply to our lives, our world, our spirituality?

The words we Speak become the house we Live in..

Thoughts and actions..

When we reflect on this phrase we see that speech is, quite literally, our "inner-face" between our thoughts
and actions. "The house we live in" then represents our perceived reality. This reality is also how others perceive us, as in the phrase "walking your talk".

With all the issues we, as a world community face today, it is difficult to keep a Positive attitude. It's to easy to feel hopeless and start that downward spiral into negative self-talk.. to the point of depression, hopelessness, and beyond. I speak from experience!! While I still struggle with this (old habits die hard), I am working to recover.

Witchcamp this year was a true eye opener to me. I had lost most of my trust in people and hope for the situations we face as a planet. I took "The Bardic path" at camp. I've go to be honest, I was scared shitless to take this path. I'm not a person who is comfortable around people nor do I like to share my work/views with others, mostly because I've kept myself so closed off from the world, I was tired of being hurt. I knew Alphonsus was one of the path leaders and so I took a chance. I'm so glad I did!! The work we did was so profound. It was nothing I'd consider esoteric, but it was not you're typically daily thought patterns either. I come away with the feeling that words are indeed important, as is silence, and play as important as get at what really matters.

So was it coincidence then,that I was part of the Hagalaz rune group? I knew change was imminent and though "oh shit!! Just what I need, more chaos in my life". Again, it turns out it was change for good..

I had an epiphany: Love IS the answer and Music is the dance of the Soul.

Yet again, Something so simple but so isolated in thought and action today.

I've lots more to write but I'll end with a quote from by FM Esfandiary

"The single individual who is relatively free of imprinting can function with versatility, freedom, and autonomy, and can begin to express a new kind of commitment - commitment not to a specific individual, not to an attachment figure, but to a much greater environment. If it is possible for us to identify with and be committed to a specific person or group, it ought to become possible for us to reprogram so that we can begin to identify with and be committed to ALL HUMANITY!! If we can transcend imprinting, it is possible to empathize with everybody… Individuals who are committed to their creative work, to causes, jobs and movements, are already moving in this direction of greater commitment. Ultimately, commitment to planet and all humanity will replace commitment to clan, family, or nation."

1 comment:

  1. This is a message from the Yarnfaery,

    You're blog page is really neat!
