Sunday, December 4, 2011

We start out life as a single cell that divides and divides. It has no concept of right or wrong. It passes no judgments. It cares nothing about competition. Its soul purpose is to nurture itself so it can do its part to grow a complex life form. Though it has no sentience, its formation is influenced by aspects beyond itself. This is the nature of the web of life.

So how are we as “complete” sentient beings different; or are we? We each have ideas/goals/desires that we strife toward. Sometimes it appears we, as individuals, can’t possibly effect any change. Our visions appear to die in the light of everyday reality. We are alone in our quests.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Our culture values individualism over community, consumption over conservation, mindlessness over thought, and competition over cooperation. Is it any wonder we are at war, even among ourselves?

I propose a form of society that would be much like that of the way nature works. If we, as a society, provide fertile soil in which to grow our ideas, then we will nurture an environment that supports enriched results.

What this means in real terms is that we need to change what we value. We need to “weed out” the ideas of judgment and competition. The ideas of right and wrong need to be looked at in light of how they affect whole systems; not just one element (humanity).

Looking at each element in the big picture (seed view) instead of only as a harvester (farmer) allows us a much deeper understanding of the requirements of the systems.

Though no two are alike, working together, as a community, we can all achieve a better

Environment in which to thrive. Like pollen required to produce the fruit, we are the bees that provide that pollen, in the form of honesty, respect, and dignity. The fruit of these labors will be a stronger community, one that supports greater diversity, ever broadening ideas, real change in the world. And each new generation will be like the seed heads that explode into life to replace the previous, only stronger, and with new ideas, but with a strong root system from which to draw. Let their food/energy be based on the principals, songs, rituals, etc. that we value, that they may make them their own, and shape them to their new understandings and meanings.

They will be able to see that life is not a circle, but a spiral, with no beginning and no end. If we can do this, we can indeed “be the change we wish to see”. “We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for. Our time is dawning”!!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy movement and Change

I see a lot of things going on in the occupy movement. It’s great to see people finally awakening to the injustice that has been going on for a long, long time. And I am so thankful to all those who have the ability and desire to be on the front lines. Thank you!!

But there are also other things we need to address. While direct action is a key component of change, we need cohesion and collaboration in our efforts.. For thought if you will.  It seems to me that while we have a lot of initiative, often we get caught up in the moment of knowing we need change, knowing what needs to change, having the will to show that we demand change, but we often falter in our ability to plan for and communicate well. We need to not just demand change, we need to have very specific demands. Something like “fair wages” is a great thing to strive for, but we can’t just say it and expect it to materialize. We must be ready with a course of action to get there. This will not likely be something that is achieved overnight, but through much deliberation, with give and take on both sides of the issue.

  Those of us who support the Occupy Movement at home need to be working toward that end. It’s easier to think rationally while we’re not in the mist of the threat of arrest and police brutality.  We can also keep an outside view of what’s going on, what may not be obvious to those on the front lines.

We will be in for a long fight so we should be prepared  for entrenchment. We need to establish a support system, something that will be ready to step in when the current system fails. I’m talking more about community function here than government leadership.

To get out of this mess things are going to have to convert from global back to local economies. The reason we have issues with the economic system is because the same people have controlled the economy for decades. Why don’t we get rid of them you might ask?  As it stands the average person doesn’t have the knowledge, call it job security if you wish. Those in power are accountable to no one and thus get away with what they please, at our expense. We need to end the FED. Decentralize the banking industry. Disband corporations, end campaign contributions by pharm, big business, etc.. Then we can start having some accountability. It’s much easier to hold local bankers accountable if they have to look you in the eye than it is to talk to you on the phone from across the ocean.

What I recommend is getting some sustainable systems in place now. Grow local community gardens. Start CSA’s, anything that helps our community be sustainable and far less reliant on anyone or anything.  It is going to take some time and great effort as many are far removed from the farm. But it’s doable, if we truly have the desire to be the change we wish to see.

Those on the front lines, keep doing what your doing. Those of us here at home, watching the news, reading the papers, hoping our family and friends are ok out there, let’s start pulling it together. While change may come tomorrow or not for many years, we need to have our shit together so when it hits the fan we’re not scrambling. While I may not be around to see the changes, it gives me renewed hope to see so many working for it. For a better future for the next generations and beyond.


Blessed Be

Monday, November 14, 2011

What do I believe?

So I’ve made the decision to join our local UU congregation. Certainly this likely comes as a surprise to many of you, and honestly, to me as well. I find that the UU principals mesh well with my pagan beliefs.

After nearly 10 months of going to Sunday service,helping with community outreach, and meeting many people who are likewise concerned with what’s going on, here I am.

One of the things we are task with in the membership class is to create a creedo. This can really be anything that represents our beliefs. While this sounds simple enough it’s not. We all know what we believe right? Well yes, internally that’s. Bringing that from mind to words isn’t always easy. Things are so fluid. Situations can be different, ad nauseam.

Here is a partial list of what I believe at this moment in time:

“We are part of the multiverse. An organism that operates as an interconnected whole; if one variable changes, everything changes. Balance is vital.

We must be mindful in our thoughts and actions. We will make mistakes, but we need to take responsibility. Our search for truth and meaning is an ongoing journey.

As individuals, we must strive not to be centric to anything. We should value the worth of every part of the web of life.

There is darkness and light in all; if we listen with open mind, we can find some value in almost any system.

When we find ourselves in a situation that seems insufferable, we need first to look within. Our perceptions are often a reflection of our past experiences. If we can change these perceptions we can change our reality.

If we do not find what we are searching for within, we will never find it without. God(s)/Goddess(es) are representations of inner facets of our personality.

We must work together toward a world that extols Equality, Liberty, and Justice not just for humans, but for all living things.

Love and compassion are not all that’s required for peace, but they are a strong foundation to build from. We must do more than give lip service to these values. It is through our actions that we bring about change.”

         I think the following quote sums up my thoughts on Unitarian Universalism

       “We are Unitarian Universalist with minds that think,hearts that love, and hands that are ready to serve.”

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Occupy Movement

The occupy movement has been going on for awhile now. It has spread worldwide, or at least through the North American Continent. According to our local paper (Springfield NewsLeader) the idea for Occupy Wall Street came out of a subculture publication in Mexico. Some folks in the states took up the idea and here we are.

It’s anyone's guess how many people are involved. It does renew my hope that people are finally starting to “get it”. I’ve looked for something like this for years but it always seems to be happening somewhere else. We’re the buckle in the bible belt here and ultra-conservative, thus change is slow. We now have an Occupy Springfield group!

Tomorrow marks the first “official” protest/rally whatever you wish to call it. We will be walking from the square to the Kitchen (our local soup kitchen), and donating non-perishables. Likely talking to people there.. Hopefully no confrontation or problems. I must admit I’m terrified. I don’t know what to expect.

“We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for, and we are dawning”. Which is to say if we don’t do something no one will.

We are beyond left or right, Democratic or Republican, Chevy or Ford. We are at the point of survival or extinction, both in a figurative and literal sense.

Since the Industrial Revolution (and likely before) we’ve been exploiting the planet and each other for profit.. be it dollars, food, or fur.

Recently (within the past 30-40 years) scientist have been able to measure the impacts of our “civilization and industrialization”. While it is impossible to determine the full consequences of our past actions, it is quite clear that our current path is unsustainable.

If we wish to be a “civilized” society, then we must start walking our talk. We must make some tough decisions. We must decide if we want to continue overpopulation the planet. If we want to support companies that exploit other human beings to make cheaper products. If we want to continue taking more and more drugs to offset the side effects of other drugs. If we want to keep paying exorbitant health care cost that covers very little when it comes down to it.

If we want to continue to support candidates that don’t vote on our behalf because they are being bribed by big business.. Medical, Pharm, AG to name but a few.

The truth of the matter is money is the game they play. They don’t give a damn about anyone but the money. They’ve even found a way to make corporations people. How sick is that? GREED


If we truly want to get out of this depression (not recession) then it’s going to take a lot more than bailing out Wall Street. 


My Ideas


1) If we want to drop unemployment then we can bring our manufacturing, IT, etc

    jobs back to the states. Pay livable wages. This alone should create a huge increase

    in jobs and help to reinvigorate the economy. And while we’re at it create a tariff 

   that makes it unprofitable to move jobs out of the country just to save a dollar.


2) Bring the local economy back. Instead of trucking things thousands of miles, eat in

    season. If you don’t grow your own veggies at least buy from your local farmer.

    Provide incentives for farmers that helps reduce production cost. Pass that savings

    to the consumer, thus making healthy food available to everyone.


3) Restructure the tax code. Make the rich pay their fair share of the taxes. It’s cruel

    to pay those who make your living for you low wages and then expect them to pay

    your part of the taxes too.


4) Provide comprehensive healthcare to ALL. The US is the only 1st world country

    who isn’t already doing this.


5) Provide free college education to ALL.


6) Funding for scientific research for things from cancer to  alternative energy. Then

    fund production and purchase of said energy products. This also should create



7) Get to know your senators/representatives, etc..  Hold them accountable to their

     constituency. Let them know if their vote doesn’t reflect the people they

     represent, they will not get another term.


I’m sure I’m missing many thing as it is 2 am. But this would be a HUGE start.


Until we get out of the “money is god” mentality things will not improve. Greed is like crack.. the more you have the more you believe you need.


People are starting to see this and making it clear they want change. We’ve got a long ways to go but it all starts with spreading the message. Small steps big results!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Goodbye Sweet Gabby Girl




A lot of things have happened since I last posted. The most critical was our Weimaraner (Gabby) was diagnosed with cancer about three weeks ago. A week ago tomorrow  (10/5), we had to have her put to sleep. 

We’d had her since she was a puppy (almost 14 years). Once the decision was made, I decided to take her out to Dad’s property in Norwood. She always loved going there and running around being a hunting dog. We spent a few hours out there just walking around with her. So she had a good last day (or more likely, it gave us a bit of peace of mind). The next day when we took her in, I could tell she was in pain and her eyes were telling me she was ready.

She was the most intelligent, loving dog I’ve ever had. I still wake up every morning to let her out, and think about her every time we go out or come home. It’s difficult, even now I’m tearing up thinking about it.

I’ve had a dog for most of my life and I’m used to the companionship. I think it will be a while before we get another pet.  We’ve got to get into our own place first and it’s problematic finding a rental that accepts pets. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Find a local chapter and get involved. If you local visit Occupy Springfield
or do a Google search for a group near you.

We are the ones we've been waiting for, and we are dawning

Sunday, September 4, 2011


What makes you angry? Why does it make you angry? Are you angry more often than not?

For me it’s not really one thing I can pin down; its lots of little things that build into an explosion. I’m not good at letting things go so it’s a real steam kettle when it happens.

I’ve discovered is a simple solution. Will it always work? Likely, but even if it works only 75% of the time its worth it. Keeps the old blood pressure down, stops resentment, and keeps you from doing/saying something in the heat of the moment you will regret later.

When you find yourself getting the least bit upset about something, stop for just a few moments. Take a few deep breaths and think “is this something really so important to get worked up over?” More often than not you’ll find it isn’t. This is harder to do than it sounds but stopping the angry thought for rational though is what you’re after. Often the breath will do the trick but you can try anything that will get your mind off what’s making you angry. I often start singing a chant in my head “when I breath in, I breath in peace, when I breath out, I breath out love.” Usually a couple times gets me back to where I need to be.

The other thing works if what’s making you angry persist over time. This tip I obtained from a book about the law of attraction. There is no “good” or “bad” in a situation. There is only fact and the value we assign to circumstance. If you can step back and see what the actual situation is and then what value you have assigned to it, you can often change how you feel in the situation to something less tense. If after doing this, you still find yourself upset in the moment, try method one to balance it out.

I won’t tell you that these methods always work, or work for everyone. I won’t tell you that they are always easy to do. What I will say is I’ve been putting them to work

a week or two now and I’m far less stressed and likely much more tolerable.

Life is far richer when you are enjoying it, sharing it, helping others. Food for thought

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pretty much says it all

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Spirit, Winter Spirit

This post is inspired by a sermon of the same title. It was originally presented by Rev. Christine Robinson of the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and revisited at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Springfield, MO

Regardless of what you believe, or don’t. Do you feel you are a summer or winter spirit?

Are you fiery in you convictions. Do you feel you are in direct contact with divinity? “Praise God”, “Bless you”, “Everything is wonderful”.


Are you more reflective? Perhaps you sense the divine in everything, but somehow feel apart from it.


Many of us come from a Christian background, which in every breath promotes the idea that Summer Spirituality is the only “real spirituality”. That if you’re not in direct contact with God, you’re not doing something right.

I call this type of religion revelation experience, instead of common. While I do believe there are those who are “connected”, I think they are far fewer than the church would have one believe. It seems to go back to dogma; Keeping the members down on themselves ensures their return.


Martin Marty says that: “These spiritual styles are modes of being whatever you are: Christian, Buddhist, etc…. They are completely independent of theology.”

Pshchologist William James put it this way: “each person has an innate psychological type that tends toward a wintery or summery style.”

He believed in “once borns” and “twice borns.” Once borns were people who are naturally in touch with God, while twice borns are those who don’t naturally feel God’s presence in their lives but sometimes have fleeting mystical experiences that can change their lives.


I tend more toward the Wintery type. In truth I feel very confused about spirituality most days. To me everything is so interconnected. From taking care of the planet to how we communicate, to what we value. How can we separate the mundane from the sacred? If we don’t separate them, do we risk devaluing them or making ourselves hypersensitive?

If I were forced to pigeonhole my beliefs, I’d have say my spirituality is pagan. I feel most spiritual (ecstatic) and “connected” when I am in nature. I don’t get to spend near enough time there and so it takes me more time to reconnect when I am, but when I do!!!.  I haven’t done a lot of solitary work but I can tell the connection is there even if I’m just sitting and contemplating. When I am in an environment like Witchcamp.. that’s when I can feel the energy and everything comes alive..

Theologically I’d say Unitarian Universalism comes closest to my beliefs. While I realize that the principals aren’t unique to UU, it feels more real to me. It seems there is an openness for congregation participation and input that I’ve never found in a church. I feel this is very important because without it we’re just nodding our head to someone else's ideas, not really thinking, not defining our experience, learning or expanding our ideas. All of which, I feel are important things if we plan to improve how we interact.

I have had my moments of inspiration, which is what keeps me on the path. Those moments are awesome. But one must not get too caught up in the adrenline rush, waiting for the next “fix”. It is the mundane that keeps us grounded. Doing the mundane work is like eating dinner, it keeps us nourished so we can continue. Moments of inspiration are like dessert, everyone wants more but if we over-indulge we risk filling up, leaving no room for “dinner”. We all need balance; It’s our endeavor to find what works for us.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fall Garden

It’s been hot here lately. Really hot for quite some time. The kind of hot where, if you don’t get done before daylight, you aren’t gonna get started.

So, while I ain’t enjoying the heat, I am enjoying getting the garden ready for fall planting. Just thinking about the winter brightens my day.

I picked up a load of mulch from the yard waste recycling center on Wednesday and will pick up composted horse manure in the AM.

Just a matter of spreading it, tilling it in and watering it. Then plant in a few days. Yeeha!!

Besides that, I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately. Mostly about farming/community/ecology. Very interesting stuff.

I’m intrigued by cover crops/green manure/compost. don’t have it all figured out of course but it seems interesting and doable.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled muggle day!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Legislate This!

Is it just me or has the whole political system suddenly went absolutely batshit? I know it’s wacked anyway, but it seems more so as of late.

The government (and thus us) have a huge problem with debt (to say nothing about our reliance on foreign goods and resources). No one is going to back down, and for the first time in history the US is going to be in default of it’s debt.

It’s obvious who this is going to impact the most isn’t it? It’s certainly not the upper class. If the current numbers are right (the top 5% makes/owns/controls more than the other 95% combined) then this should give one some inkling.

Indeed doom and gloom but no other way that I see. This could turn out to be a good thing (in the long run). It could be just the push we need to reinvent ourselves as a nation. Maybe we’ll make some different (ie better) decisions this time.. one can only hope.

Then we have the whole debate about Obesity. Holy shit let’s face it folks, you just can’t legislate everything. I heard on the news this evening that the government is wanting to tax “junk food” like they do alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Well what’s junk food? What are people who don’t have the time/money to buy “healthy foods” suppose to eat ?  A family can eat a meal at McDonalds for $3/person. What kind of healthy meal can you put together at the store for that? It makes no sense. If you want to regulate something then regulate food prices or the labor market.. they’re doing it ass backward if you ask me.

While all my values say that helping others is the right thing to do, you must be sure your taking care of your shit first. Foreign aid is great, but not while people are starving  and homeless in your own backyard.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Enthusiasm by Mars Dorian

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” is a great line from Emerson. If there’s no enthusiasm in what

you do, it won’t be remarkable and certainly won’t connect with people on an emotional basis. But, if you put that

magic energy into all of your work, you can create something that touches people on a deeper level.

Hmm to true. If you're not excited about what you do.. well likely it won't get done, or will get put off till it's to

late.It certainly won't be your "Best" work.

So how can one bring more enthusiasm into one's work? What does one have to think or believe about one's work to be

totally excited about it?

To me everything is so overwhelming. The environment, poverty, war.. where does one even start? without being overcome

by the feeling that "I'm only one person" how can my small action even matter? I struggle with this always.

I guess different people have different ways of coping with this. I've yet to find something that works for me. Though

working for causes with a group is as close as I've found to a solution.

I hear others say that they focus on one thing, be it changing some facet of the system, writing to our

representatives, or being involved in direct action.

While all these things do ring a bell, and certainly feel good while we're doing them. How do we continue that feeling

and enthusiasm in our "Muggle" daily lives?

It's great to go to a protest and show your support. Or donate to a cause, or a million other things. But to me there

needs to be something more. Else we risk becoming "Sunday Christians" you know the folks who proclaim values and

beliefs but live totally opposite to those values the rest of the week.

So how do we incorporate "Walking your talk" into your daily life?

While it's true that not everyday can be a solidarity march, or march on washington,etc. We can use our spiritual

beliefs or values to promote our visions. And this need not be screaming anything. You'd be suprised how many actions

people accept without thinking about it, but the minute you name it, it all turns to shit. For instance, have you ever

helped someone get something off the shelf in the store, or helped someone across the street? These seem to be special

things today, but in the past this was common, even expected action. It is human helping human. Compassion. But if

someone gives it a name.. say "social services" it becomes something distrusted, or something that shouldn't be "on the

dole" comes to mind as a phrase some might use for such services.

My point is who cares what we call it or don't call it really? The point is to do it. These actions may not seem like

much, may become second nature if you work at it. And while it seems like a small thing to you, it might be a huge help

to someone else. It will also show others that you live what you say your values are. And that can be a very large

catalyst to start a change.

So to answer the question, I'd have to say that to be excited about the work I do , I need to do the work that is

important to my values. I don't need confirmation of these values, but I do need to feel I am "walking my talk".A smile

or kind word from those I help let me know I'm on the right path.

You must find what works for you and stay true to your values. You can not hope to help someone else until your house

is in order. This is where you will find solace, joy, and wisdom

Thursday, June 23, 2011

One Strong Belief

It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance
The world is powered by passionate people, powerful ideas, and fearless action. What’s one strong belief you possess that isn’t shared by your closest friends or family? What inspires this belief, and what have you done to actively live it?

Hmm so many things really. I'll say that everything is connected. We do not exist in a universe of our own. The decisions we make and our action/inaction effects the whole, from the microscopic to the cosmic.
If we intend to survive then we need to stop thinking in terms of dollars and start thinking in terms of community, sustainability, healing.

We need to stop thinking in terms of us and them. We need to stop worrying about what others believe and trying to convert them to our way of thinking and just get down to the work that needs to be done.

I could go on...

What inspires these beliefs? I've always had a reverence for nature but never really had a name for it. I thought I was the odd ball. Then I discovered wicca/paganism. I took a science course in environmental science and could see the web of life in everything, and how we were adversely effecting it with our greed. I decided that I didn't feel right about what was happening. That I wanted to do my part to help heal the earth.

We've done organic gardening, as well as some other artisan projects. The idea being that if we can learn these skills, we can cut our reliance on the systems that are exploiting resources.
Perhaps we can make a sustainable amount to continue expanding so we can support a CSA or at least provide for those who are in need.

I've been deeply seclusive for the past decade or so. Trusting very few people and cynically believing that everyone is unconcerned about anything but themselves and money, with a bent toward being crooks.

I am trying to overcome this feeling. I've started to meet other pagans and like minded individuals and see that not everyone is out to get me. Most people are good at heart, doing the best they can with what they've got.

Though a lot of our beliefs may differ, we have the human condition in common and often that is enough.

I also have to thank the people that make up our week long community at Vermont Witch camp. This community was really the first exposure I had to community, and earth based spirituality. It has renewed my hope for humanity and changed my outlook on everything. It is with much excitement that I look forward to reuniting this August!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time's up

“We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other. Our age yields no great and perfect persons. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

You just discovered you have fifteen minutes to live. Write the story that has to be written..

Life is too short!!

In our society we worry ourselves about money (or lack there of), what we own, what we wear. We feel we need the latest gadget, the new fad diet, etc. Just to be "in" and thin. Life is to short!!

We fret over black and white, gay or straight, Christian or Pagan. Life is to Short!!

We're concern ourselves with our self-centered desires, to the detriment of our brothers and sisters, our home planet. Never once considering future generations. Life is too short!!

if we have any hope of saving humanity, we've got to get past our fears and prejudice and work together. In the end all that makes a difference is we are all human, we are all in this together, and only together can we get the job done.

Stop listening to the propaganda that big business is disseminating through the media. Get involved in humanitarian work, activism, or whatever you feel most strongly about.

Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like no one is watching. Life is too short!!

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

I know I know

Haven't posted in a Looong time. Sorry to disappoint but nothing today. I'll try and get something going in the next few days.

In the mean time Enjoy the Summer Solstice!!

Blessed Be

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Joplin Tornado Cleanup

Joplin, MO got hit with an EF-5 tornado about 2-3 weeks ago. That's too close to home to ignore.
We went there yesterday to see what we could do to help out.
I'd never been anywhere in the aftermath of a tornado. The area we were working in was where the least damage had occurred. Yet I couldn't imagine how scary it would have been. There were trees the size of a torso that had been tossed about like twigs. Stuff in the tops of trees.. Insulation covering the outside of buidings.
Astounding, and very humbling. It certainly makes one reevaluate their own complaints. Makes trivial what seemed so important just an hour ago. Hell it makes you feel lucky to be alive and still have a roof over your head. When you think, at the end of the day, how hot it was out there and how little it seems you got done, the view reminds you that it takes a community. That just because you can go home and take a cool shower and go to bed, the people you're helping out don't have that option.
It's going to take a long time to cleanup and recover, but if the people of Joplin and the volunteers that were there yesterday are any indication it will get done.
I guess I'm use to the stuffy/conservative/individual attitude of the midwest but, there was none of that out at the site. No bickering about religion, race, etc. No complaints about what had to be done. Just determination to get in there and do what one could. To me that's what community is about.

I have to hand it to Service International. I'm not sure what all they do there but they provided transport from the church to the worksites, food, water, and tools. The support system of the efforts if you will.
There were people there from all over. From St. Louis (nearly 300 miles) to Kansas and Arkansas.

It's nice to see so many people from all over, from all walks of life, helping out. It does sadden me though, that it takes a catastrophe to bring community together.

Food for though

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rediscovering Music

I've loved music for what seems like forever. It's very rare a day goes by that I don't listen to at least a few tunes. It's hard to imagine a lifetime without music.

I did a brief period when I was a kid learning to play piano..but that was a lifetime ago.. I've forgotten almost everything. How to read music, keep time, etc.

But music has somehow become more to me over the past several years. I still like a wide variety, but I tend to listen to a more mellow mix.

A lot of chants and songs from the UU hymnal.

I use to listen to music because the beat and the words fit my mood. But now It's something deeper than that. It's spiritual, it moves me.

Something that I'm finding is that I don't have as deep a contempt for other religions as I use to. I've come to the realization that all religions are striving for deeper meaning of life. Granted some in very fucked up ways but still.

Anyway, if you can get beyond all that and past what one calls God, Goddess, Greater power, whatever. There are songs/messages that are worth contemplating.

I am trying to relearn music. I want to eventually play guitar (considering I have two). But I'm starting out with the piano again because visually and mentally it's easier for me to do. Likely because it was what I learned on. I'm rather excited that some of it is starting to come back!!

I never understood people who are so into art, music, etc. But I'm starting to. These are mediums that are conductive to self expression and interpretation. It's not important that others understand, or like what you're doing. It's your expression. Of course it's nice (and often profitable) if you create something that everyone "gets" or relates to.

Anyway I'm excited. It seems I maybe figuring out my spiritual path. Now if I can get the rest of my shit in order ;)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Law of attraction

A friend suggested I read The Secret. I gave it the college try but, it was a bit to hmm preachy..mystical.. can't exactly describe it. I gave it my 20% test. If I don't like what I'm reading to start with, I commit I won't give up until I've read at least 20% then re-evaluate. Sorry but it just wasn't doing it for me. The logic makes perfect sense.. it was just all the filler.

Anyhow. I found another book at the library called The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple. Much, much better. It also has exercises. Helen and I have been going through them, a step an evening and it really clicks. I'll be the first to admit it's counter intuitive to how I think. It's one of those things you go "looks good on paper but it'd never work in the real world".. See there you go thinking negatively again!!

Anyway with me it's one of those things I know is true subconsciously, but my conscious mind doesn't believe.

Basically you are trying to retrain yourself to think of things in a positive light instead of the negative.

I know this works. It's how I survived college. I told myself I would be the first in my family to graduate college and I would do so with honors. I left no room for argument. This was on the subconscious level. On the conscious level I was busting my ass and worrying to death. But I must have believed it because it worked. After graduation I was like WTF was that!!

I guess my point is that it works. Trick is doing the exercises, saying the affirmations, thinking positively, until it becomes automatic to your subconscious.

I'm working on getting back to that place. It's very difficult for me. I suppose I'm a rather sensitive person as to all that goes on around me. I mean how am I going to make a positive thing out of the tornado that killed 130+ people and left many homeless in Joplin last week?

I'm very willing to keep working on this though because in the past few days I seem to be in a better mood.. Things aren't pissing me off as much.

I'm also hoping it will help me get my shit together and focus on the future. My mind is going in a thousand different directions and I don't know which one to choose. One day this one seems the best, next week it might be something entirely different. Sometimes I wonder If I'm not crazy!!

Anyone that knows me will likely say "certifiable".

Anyway I see I've written a book again!! I haven't been posting much lately but when I do I make it worth while!!

Love & Light,


Saturday, May 21, 2011


(The Lion King)

Rafiki: "Oh, change is good"

Simba: "Hey, what did you do that for?" (hit on head by Rafiki)

Rafiki: "It doesn't matter, it's in the past"

Simba "Yea but it still hurts"

Rafiki "Ah yes, the past can hurt"

Looking back over this past year, there have been a lot of changes in my life. Mostly good, though a lot that inspire me to reflect on my previous outlook on life.

A lot of it comes back to life experiences. I was very shy when I was younger and got bullied in school. I was always very timid in relationships and usually got dumped when the next best thing came a long.

These experiences left me very bitter; I lost faith in humanity. I had no desire to interact with people on anything more than a civil passing acquaintance, and kept it as short as possible.

I've operated in this defensive/withdrawn state for close to 25 years. I'm no closer to my dreams, I'm only bitter, lonely, and likely a bit cynical.

Then we started going to Witchcamp!! The first year there was very difficult. Being born and raised in a Baptist backwater town, having only studied paganism as solitaries, it was a bit overwhelming to see strangers being so friendly, so "hug hug, kiss kiss" with one another and welcoming to newbies. This did nothing for my social awkwardness. But somehow, I knew, If I could get past my bitterness and fear, that this was home. Something I could relate to and that would make life worthwhile and make sense. The second year was much easier we already knew a few people there and hung out with them. I even wrote some poetry and read it in ritual!!

Last year was my third year and was the best yet. I reconnected with old friends, we did a lot of ritual work together and deepened our friendships. I went against my own gut instinct of being reclusive and made a point to be an impromptu mentor to new campers. I took a bards path, It was large (30+ people) in a 13x13 tent. And we're suppose to dance and write and vision and share these experiences.. How fuckin scary is that? But I survived. I vowed that by the end of the week I would meet and try to remember everyones name.. I talked to everyone, And remembered most of their names.

By the end of the week I was so tied to the energy, I couldn't imagine how I'd ever return to the muggle world. I always leave camp with such good intentions of how I'm not going to let anything effect my good feelings, and I'm going to keep it going, that usually last until I get home. This year was different though. I vowed to try and remain open to new ideas, to keep pushing my boundaries. While I'm still cautious, I am more receptive to differing points of view and to meeting new people.

We've been going to the local UU sunday service and the pagan group for a few months now and it's great. I don't yet feel the close-knit community feeling I get at witchcamp. But It is good to have some other folks to share with. I think it's mostly me.This area (midwest) is very conservative, so one is often, by necessity, very closeted.

One of the things I so love is that UU and pagan group are not just talk talk talk like some of the meetups we've been to. Talk is great but sometimes you need to act. In the short time we've been there we've done a march for peace, there is food drives for local food pantry, we did a stand in for solidarity with the local Islam center. Just a great bunch of people.

Something that I've discovered is that you don't have to out yourself to do this "good work". Often people assume if you're doing good you must be a christian… whatever. I might have been hung up on that in the past. Why bicker over it. Good work is good work no matter. And the work, to me is THE point.

The more I get involved with these actions, the more I want to do. I'd love to go into the peace corps… education is all that holds me back, and yet not really, there is a lot you can do right at home. Better the world one community at a time.

My biggest issue now is where to start. There is just so much to do, one can easily get stuck in the mire of all the catastrophe going on around us. How do you decide what's important to you, or do you? Is it selfish to look to what's important to you? Maybe not decide, just jump in where help is needed.

I'm trying to get it all sorted in my mind, not an easy task with all the clutter. I've several ideas but I need to sit down and write it out.

With the recent death of my father-in-law, it's really hit home.. I'm 37 and I'm no place I want to be, doing nothing I want to do. Most of the men in my family have died around 40 from heart issues and I'm right there with high BP, bad diet, and little exercise. My old demeanor keeps coming through, "who cares about anything, you'll be dead in a few more years".. Maybe, but If those next few years could be productive, it would be life well spent, and would certainly fade those old wounds.

So while I may talk like I don't give a shit about dying, truth is I'm scared shitless by the idea, not of dying, but of not doing something worthwhile while I'm here.

Jack Savoretti said it best:

"'Cause it's not where you go when you die
It's how you live when you're alive
Who you touch and how you feel it

And it's not about the time that you have
It's how you cry and how you laugh
Who you love and how you mean it
And do you mean it"

I've also found things I'm looking for appear when I need them… Kind of scary for a newbie but I'm not going to question it. Just use it well

For instance: I've been studying about staring a farm/market garden sort of endeavor. I get so excited about the endeavor. I'm certain it's something I could excel at.. Then I start thinking about how much it will cost, and how I could never get a loan, and I don't have any experience. And I try to think of solutions to the problem.. I might think or ask out loud.. what do I need to do to to overcome these obstacles and get to where I need/want to be?

Suddenly a 2 books appear on the library shelf :

"Stop overreacting: effective strategies for calming your emotions"

"The one thing holding you back: releasing the power of emotional connection"

Just sayin

Blessed Be

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why is Organic so Exotic?

It seems there is a lot of misconceptions/myths about organic gardening/farming.

There's the idea that organic is a fad, something for the uber rich food snob, and so on.

We're so use to foods out of season, foods trucked in from half way around the world. Foods genetically modified, foods picked before they're ripe then irradiated.

And somehow we think this is the only way to feed the masses. The only way to continue farming.. Getting bigger or getting out. The death of the small farm and the local economy.

What the naysayers are forgetting is that, prior to WWII most everything was grown organically. Granted they didn't call it that, but they did use cover crops and other soil building and conservation methods. There wasn't many (if any) fertilizers/pesticides/herbicides.

The world population is much larger today than yesteryear, but there's still no reason we can't feed everyone. We've got to get back to local community, bartering goods and services,etc.

If we hope to survive and heal the planet for future generations, we must think and act sustainable. We need family farms and not agribusiness. Open pollenated seeds and not GMOs and terminator genes and patents on seeds.

We need to cut back on our wants and concern ourselves with our needs. We need to abolish the capitalist system, with its ever growing consumption addiction, need for more hours to buy something that will make our life better, until the next new thing comes along. We need to treat each other and our environment with the respect deserved and stop the exploitation.

I am 110% sure that we could accomplish this in a short period of time (say 10-20 years) we could be a self-reliant society once again, far less dependent on oil. It would take retraining, lets face it, America is a service industry now. There is very little know-how left.. we've outsourced it.

Would it be easy.. no.. we've become lazy as a society. We work in the abstract and not the mechanical. We'd have to get off our ass and learn what a hard days work is.. You'd be working harder but you'd be working smarter (and likely less hours).. Instead of working to make Joe Smuck rich, you could work to make your life better as well as you're community and the world. What could be more satisfying than that?

In short Organic is not Exotic.. It's sustainable.. It's a paradigm shift to be certain. One who's time has come.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The original meaning of Mother's Day

You can read the entire article here

So you think mother's day is all about buying flowers, candies, etc for mom eh? If you do, don't feel bad, you are in the majority.

Here is an excerpt from the above article:

The women who originally celebrated Mother's Day conceived of it as an occasion to use their status as mothers to protest injustice and war. In 1858, Anna Reeves Jarvis organized Mother's Work Days in West Appalachian communities to protest the lack of sanitation that caused disease- bearing insects and polluted water to sicken or even kill poor workers. In 1870, after witnessing the bloody Civil War, Julia Ward Howe—a Boston pacifist, poet, and suffragist who wrote the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"—proclaimed a special day for mothers to oppose war. Committed to ending all armed conflict, Howe wrote, "Our husbands shall not come to us reeking with carnage. ... Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience."

For the next three decades, Americans celebrated Mother's Days for Peace on June 2. Women political activists of this era fought to end lynching and organized to end child labor, trafficking of women, and consumer fraud. In their view, their moral superiority was grounded in the fact of their motherhood.

When Anna Jarvis died in 1905, her daughter, also named Anna, vowed to honor her mother's political activism by creating a national Mother's Day. The gift card and flower industries also lobbied hard. As an industry publication, the Florists' Review, put it, "This was a holiday that could be exploited." In 1914, Congress responded and proclaimed the second Sunday in May to be Mother's Day.

Companies seized on the holiday by setting out to teach Americans how to honor their mothers by buying them flowers, candy, or cards. This outraged Anna Jarvis the daughter. When florists sold carnations for the then-exorbitant price of $1 a piece, she began a campaign against "those who would undermine Mother's Day with their greed." But she was hardly a match for the flower and card companies. Soon, the Florists' Review announced, with a certain triumphant tone, that it was "Miss Jarvis who was completely squelched." And they were right.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Different way of thinking

Terence McKenna - Culture is your Operating System

There are many ways of thinking about things. A whole lot of how we think about things are based on our beliefs, social norms, etc.  So how do we  see other point’s of view?  I don’t know.. but there area some interesting ideas out there.

Terrence Mckenna’s idea that we need to get back to in touch with the shaman idea, has a lot of merit to it. I’m not sure if the drugs are necessary, though they may get you there far quicker. I think it’s more a state of mind, getting into your headspace,  be that through ecstatic trance or whatever. It’s different for each person.

I find that I can get into headspace if I’m relaxed and doing some breathing exercises. I’m beginning to be able to see better when listening to guided meditation. I’ve yet to be able to get to where I can let my mind go and let it experience what it will.

Being able to do this is important. I don’t know what’s out there, but I think that within “the collective unconscious” lies the answers to many unknowns as well as solutions to major problems. Imagine if we could connect with the Gaian mind, would we see a solution to the environmental, social, etc problems? or would it be more subtle, something we have to discern using our “higher” knowledge and our ordinary reality knowledge.

Food for thought

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Poems for Beltane

two. One on a more serious note.. the second on a playful note

Hopes alive on Beltane eve
On fertile ground sow your dreams

if you feed and water them well
harvest time will set you swell

Hail to the Lady and the Lord


On Beltane eve don't be perplexed
Just grab some rubbers and have some sex

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Where do you find acceptance?

For your ideas? For the secret notions you have for who you really want to be? Or think you are? Who are the friends, family or co-workers who are most accepting of your true self? And how do they demonstrate their acceptance? What is different about how they treat you than other people?

The only people who I feel truly accepted around, and who I can pretty much be my "true self" around is my wife, and my friends at VWC. They accept me for who I am, however strange that is :)

I tend to be reserved around folks I don't know, even if we have common interest. For instance, we go to a pagan group and UU here, have been for a couple months, and I'm certainly not my open, outgoing self with them yet, though I open up a bit more each time.. The connection just doesn't seem to be there yet. So I proceed with caution.

My side of the family, or at least those who know about us being pagan, accept it, doesn't mean they agree, but they don't hassle us either.

Helen's family on the other hand is another matter. :)

We live smack dab in the middle of the bible belt. It's mostly protestant's and very right leaning conservative republicans. So yea.. not much acceptance here.

I do find that there are more "in the closet" pagans here though. Use to work with about 10 or so. That was a welcome change.

I think most pagans, likely throughout the world, but certainly here, are solitary. It seems like there are a lot of meetup type groups but no covens (that I've found). The pagan group is a good compromise as they do public rituals and we do projects at the meetings.

I find it hard to relate to solitaries because I've really only done much magical work at camp. Helen and I have done some workings but they always seem like "wtf are we doing, we look silly". I prefer working in a group. Though I realize, to build personal power, I need to do my own work as well.

Guess this is the long way around saying that acceptance for me, lies with a small group of friends.

I see many ways I can help the community, without having to disclose my spiritual affiliations, and that works for me. To me the Work is what's important.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do you think Donald Trump would make a good U.S. president?

In a sentence or less.. HELL NO!!

I really hate to even waste time on this twit but.. Shall I list a few reason why?

He files for multiple bankruptcies and still manages to be one of the wealthiest people.

We know he's a crook. If you read the article above it spells it out.

Since we know he's a crook and he can't stay out of bankruptcy with his own monies, what makes anyone think he's qualified to run a country?

And just who's interest do you think he'll watch out for? The middle class or the upper 1%?

Everyone pisses and moans about Obama. I'll admit he's spent a shitload of money. It burned my ass that he signed on to Bush's bailout, then did yet another bailout.

But he is trying to do the right thing. Things that have needed to be done for years he has put in progress. Things that SHOULD have been started long ago are now starting. You either pay now or pay later. Later is here and it's time to pay the piper.

Another bitch people have is "but we won't have any retirement. It's going to ruin our kids future." And don't even get me started about heath care..

Here's the thing. Things were going along just fine. Things were getting done when congress was controlled by the Dems. Of course the Reps were crying and hiding and not voting and that was ok, but they wined like little bitches when the Dems pull the same things.

Anyway. Now that the Reps have control, their going to do everything they can to make Obama look bad. So they can say "he ruined this country".. Well no, actually he didn't. He had a plan to pay back the money he's spent over the next 10 years, but you idiots decided to squash it.

I can only hope that Obama vetoes everything they try to squash. It won't get done what needs to get done, but at least it will keep the Reps from fucking it up any worse.

Obama '12

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A poem for Earth Day

cool morning
mist rising, mountain's breath

A hint of sun
a promise of warm embrace
after a cold winter
hints of snow still linger in the shade.

a loon calls out from the lake below

Spring has arrived
and with it promise of new life

New faces and old
greeted with equal joy.

Dreams that seemed so far away
now bring renewed hope.

Trees that seemed mere skeletons yesterday
radiate their green brilliance. Collecting energy
for life.

How many are aware of these things? How many care?

Will we every wake up? Or are we simply so vested into this consumption system that we can't see the entropy?

The problems are real, and larger than any one person. But each action helps. Plant a tree, get involved in peace and social justice, farm/garden sustainably. Buy local. Build community. For if we all work together we can effect real change. "It's those who show up who write the future."

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day 2011

So what did you do for mother earth today? Or what did you resolve to do? Or what do you wish you could have done?

IMHO everyday should be Earthday. It shouldn't be just on day we think about and do something nice, though that's great too

I can't say I did anything specific today. Helen and I went outside and played ball with the dog. We enjoyed the spring weather and everything coming back to life. We felt blessed to be able to be outside and enjoy life. I guess one could say we gave some of our energy as an offering.

I thought about (actually may yet) writing a poem about Earth Day

We long ago changed out to compact florescence.

When we are able we have a garden, try to keep it local.

We helped plant apple trees a few weeks ago at the UU.

We're helping out Sunday to pick up trash along a section of road.

We plan to stand in solidarity with the local Islamic center tomorrow. They have been vandalized and threatened in the past few months. We are going with our UU congregation. I know other churches are going but not sure who. The point here is that while we may not all agree on our religious views (or other views for that matter) we all have the right to choose and practice them without fear of persecution.

The point I'm trying to make is that one person can't do it all, but that one person's actions do make a difference. "Be the change you wish to see".

I see all things connected. So how can we talk of "saving the planet" and not think about "alternative energy"? or about "Saving humanity" when we can't even live together peaceably.

Or declare freedom & Justice for all... when the small print reads, "as long as you look like us, think like us, and do as we say"

Just something to reflect on..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

If you had to debate a younger version of yourself, who would win?


If my current self was debating my former self, I think my current self would win. Why? Because my former self was far more unsure of it’s point of view and would concede.

Now if my current self and former self were plotted against one another in a math competition based on speed, well my younger self would win. Maybe. Former self was faster but more prone to mistakes. Current self is slower but more methodical.

Of course my former self would listen to no advice from my current self because he though everyone was full of shit and out to get him. Some of that remains.. but less each day.. I’m tired of always being on the defensive.

All the shit that’s going on in my life aside, I like my current self much better than my former self.  I like being who I am and letting others think what they will instead of trying to fit someone’s idea of “normal”.

You live your experiences but once. You can recall them but can’t change the past. You can use them in planning  your future.

“Tomorrow’s just your future yesterday”. Craig Ferguson Theme Song

Monday, April 18, 2011

What do you want to accomplish with your blog?

What is the purpose of your blog?
Is it a vent space, a journal of days, or something else entirely?

The original intent of my blog was to be sort of a book of shadows. Perhaps not full of spells as such, but more about how I was progressing along the crooked path. A place where others could view my work and perhaps see a perspective they had yet to vision.

Hmm. or maybe at least a place where one could see, through this progression, how I was seeing the sacred in the mundane.

Well I think I might lose my readership (making the huge assumption I have one) before that happens. Though I do feel a glimmer of hope in those matters. Seems this year is opening my eyes to a lot.

In the long run I guess my blog has become, whatever it is today, simply by me sharing my thoughts, be it on how shitty my day's been or how euphoric my belly lint makes me.

I think that's enough reflection about what my blog is to accomplish.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Things you do better now that you’re old enough to “get it”

What things do you feel you do better at this point in you life than in the past

I have several, but they all come back to communication and compassion.

I’ve forever been the shy one. The one who tried to crawl into the woodwork. I was always the scrawny one everyone picked on and so I grew to hate people. Makes one cynical over time. I still struggle with this but now I know that it is people’s actions I dislike, not necessarily the person. The people who bully others have insecurity issues of their own.

Though I still fight the urges to revert back to this MO, I feel that for the most part people are good. They want to be heard and understood. Most (including myself) are good at talking but not at listening..

I’ll admit it, I’m socially awkward. It really pushes my boundaries to share my thoughts or feelings, or writing with other people. I guess I’m afraid they will make fun of me. But the thing is I feel better after the fact. The anticipation is always the worse.

Since I’ve started doing this I feel more connected, in-tune, with people on a human level. All the materialist shit doesn’t matter. It just people sharing. And that’s where love and compassion starts.

Once we can all start listening and sharing, we can all get on the same page, and maybe we can change the world ..

“dude ya gotta pass left man?? whoa!!”

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Let’s hear it for Bolivia!!

I present the following article.

To me this is at least a start. Getting it through though will be another matter all together. I hope the idea catches on. Though I’m quite sure that with all the oil interest America will be one of the last to join.

To me it perfect sense, maybe because I’m a pagan.  We’ve already given corporations the same rights as a human. We need proponents to protect the planet and universe, which is very much alive; Who better than those of us who are adamant about it? It gives the green party/environmentalist/scientist and grassroots groups a vehicle to be heard. Certainly it’s a tip of the hat to the fact that “yes indeed, the earth is alive, it is the only home we have, we damn well better find ways to lessen our impact on her and start her healing.”

I’m a firm believer in the fact that we are not above nature:

It is our privilege to behold natures beauty and bounty, it is our responsibility  to make sure future generations can do likewise.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I don’t know

This is the first time in quite a while that when I’ve sat down to start a blog entry I just went “what the hell should I write about?”  Not a frickin clue.

Nothing really to complain about today. It was warm, but not overly so. Got a bit of work done outside.  Moved tractor around and did some cleanup work on the other one.

Helen cleaned out the trailer, washed the windows. Looks/smells tons better.

Still been thinking a lot about farming and gardening. Took a look at craigslist for VT and found some apartments for rent in Montpelier. Not cheap but about like here. Seems to be community garden spots we could “rent” for the season. Job listings seem plentiful for the area as well.

Found out Helen’s CNA certification is good in VT. She just has to fill out an endorsement form and pay the fee. Lot’s of those jobs at the Montpelier hospital. I’m sure I can find something there as well. Burlingtion is only 40 miles or so if need be. Don’t know how that’d be in the winter but it is all interstate miles.

I’m thinking maybe get moved there and working then in a year or two start looking at houses/property.

I guess enough prattling on for tonight. More, or at least more topical conversation tomorrow.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are you gardening?

If you are what are you growing? Do you try something new each year or specialize in a few things?

We haven’t put out a garden this year. We’d have to container plant and I’ve not had much luck with that. Since we’re pretty much gypsies at this point, I don’t want to have to lug containers across the US.

This time of year I my green thumb starts to nag at me. This year it’s telling me to get cracking with apple and peach trees as well as blueberries and raspberries. Which sounds great.. but where we gonna put em? I know, it stinks to have to play the logical one ;)

I’m trying to talk dad into some fruit trees. At least he could send us pictures of them.

I really enjoy working with plants and animals. Don’t know a lot about either one but enjoy it. I’m a hands on learner so every year it’s something new. Eventually I’ll start taking notes so I don’t start clueless each time..

We’re still trying to figure out what the hell we’re going to do. Stay here, move to VT. Farm, work at making someone else rich and be miserable.. Sigh.. Bout ready to throw my towel in.

Right now I’m thinking. “well we don’t have a job or home here and we’re miserable.. It’d be just as easy to be homeless and jobless in a place we like.”  you know, right??

Pros and cons like everything else but I’m leaning more toward that now.

Maybe a new start in spring is just what we need

Friday, April 8, 2011

An out of control train is about to run over a pile of happy puppies what do you do?

An out of control train is about to run over a pile of happy puppies. You are standing at the control switch and can pull the level to direct the train onto a different track, saving their lives. But that other track has a smaller pile of equally happy puppies on it.

What do you do and why?

Tough call. Instinct would say save the pile with the most puppies. But then one starts to thinking: there is an overpopulation of puppies, and cats, and humans for that matter.

At the last moment I have a brilliant flash. I run out and move the small pile of puppies to the larger pile then flip the switch.

My final logic? Everyone loves a puppy pile.. the more the merrier!! ;)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Poetry Month and Earth Day

I just found out that April is National Poetry Month.. And... we have earth day on the 22nd.

So here's a challenge. Write a poem, or three for earth day. Everyone knows you get better as you practice, so start now. By the 22nd, who knows, maybe we'll all be kicking out kickass haikus!!

If you could see any music act from history, who would you pick?

Tough question..

If I had to choose a band then hands down it would be Pink floyd for Dark Side of the Moon.

If on the other hand you say any concert.. Well that would be Woodstock!! No contest. I'd likely trade The Pink Floyd tickets for Woodstock tickets.. And if you know me that's saying a lot.LOL

Before anyone writes me, Yes, I know DSOM came out in the 70's.. Sheesh!!

I could go into why's, but that's for another post..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lovely Spring Day

It was a lovely spring day in the Ozarks. We helped plant some apple trees at the UU church after service. It was nice to get our hands in the earth. Felt good to know she is awaking from winter slumber and that the trees will eventually produce some oxygen, remove some toxins and provide some sustenance for someone. To me it's a spiritually nourishing act.

Someone donated 5 more trees so we will be planting those next week as well as getting the garden setup up. I think community gardens are an awesome thing. Since we don't have a spot to have our own, it's nice to still be able to get out there and help out.

It's been a rough year, but I think things are starting to stabilize a bit. Still a long road, but at least now there are some bright spots. That helps ease the tension.

I think Helen and I are learning quite a lot. Starting to kind of see where we are and where we want to be.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm exhausted

It's amazing how an afternoon of hard work will show you just how out of shape you are.

We spent the day running up and down the hill at "the farm" in Norwood, trying to stake out the easement for a powerline. The hill is long, not too steep, but long, especially after traversing it about a dozen times in a two hour period.

It really reminds me of the first day of camp at VWC every year. If you've been there you'll know what I mean. It's roughly 1/2 mile from the tent site to the dining hall (rough guestimate) but it takes about 30 minutes that first day. All I can think about is how out of shape I am and how sitting in front of the computer and eating chocolate and soda probably doesn't help, I vow to be in better shape next year.. as if!!

anyway, by the last day it's about a 10 minute walk and it's like "what do you mean I got to go home, I was just getting in the groove. "

Anyway, I guess that's my long way of saying I'm beat and don't really feel like thinking too hard for a post tonight... but there it is ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

How do you find your muse?

When you sit down to blog, or have a creative project of any kind you need to work on, how do you get yourself motivated to do it? What are your rituals or habits?

This is a tough one for me. I use to never write unless I was depressed. But I started reading about witchcraft and everywhere I turned I was being told I need to keep a journal.

Well, I'd researched and written papers for school. Lots of process but not really much thought put into it.

So I started journaling. Assuming I would one day write about profound things. I like to think I've made it to that point, but most stuff still seems mundane. I know that the idea is that the mundane is profane... Haven't reached that point yet, though I do feel I see more of it everyday.

Journaling has made me a more thoughtful writer though. I tend to think more, process more, think about the words I'm using instead of just blurting them out. Sometimes...or not

If nothing else it's made it a bit easier to get the thoughts out of my head and onto paper (or monitor), in a more coherent fashion.

I don't really have a ritual per se. I just flop down in a chair or whatever at the end of the day, write about something from my thoughts, day, or topic I find and got to work on it. I quit when I feel it's complete.

To be perfectly honest, this blog is now all the journaling I do. I feel it's enough.

Perhaps when I start doing more magical work I'll have more to write in a journal, but for now this keeps me happy..

Blessed Be

Thursday, March 31, 2011

what is something you never believed until you experienced it?

Energy. Or more specifically, I knew there was energy, but never believed it in a
metaphysical way.

I sometimes get the "feel" of a room. a sense of the mood.. but it's got to be pretty obvious before I pick up on it. Same with people. I'm horrible at picking up on body language or innuendo.

I can also pickup energy when out in nature much simpler. It's just a feeling of something living, and it's strength.. Not positive or negative, though night tends to feel more elusive than day.

Location makes a difference as well. The Northeast feels alive, bustling with energy; Muted in the Midwest (as if the energy is nearly worn out.) I don't really know what this is.

On the land where VWC is held, I think the Fae at work/play. I've never seen them, it's a sense of presence, ecstatic energy.

I don't know if these senses are objective or subjective. Is it "real" or am I projecting my feelings.

I've always had these senses, but never tried to develop them, or thought they were more than hunches. Then I went to Witch Camp!!

The first year was difficult. I'd never been a people person, so I was very uncomfortable with all the hugs from strangers. The warm welcoming of everyone, even though we'd never met. Very nice compared to the cold shoulder you get here in the Midwest. Much different than the social norms we've been taught. Totally different mindset. It's like is she/he hitting on me?? Uncomfortable until you realize that the outside World's norms don't apply. You have to take everything at face value instead of placing muggle overlays onto it. Then it gets easier to be open to the experiences.

I loved the rituals but was drained afterward. This was the first time I'd experienced energy. It was wonderful yet overwhelming. Thereafter, I began taking the craft seriously and not as a "flight of fancy".

Now, whenever I do any kind of magical work, working in nature, or have a conversation, I learn something new. I have a new lens to view life through. I see how everything is interconnected.

Every year I go back to camp and feel more comfortable, like I have an inkling of what it's all about. Last year was the best year yet; But that story is for another day!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If you could master any skill instantly, what would it be?

First off let me say I hope the site looks a little less cluttered. I've still got some things to do but overall I think it's an improvement.

Back on topic.. I'm thinking my skill would be more of an art.

I'd like to master the art of getting a good job. Not one that just pays the bills and leaves you feeling like committing sucide. One that you enjoy, that helps people, that helps you grow toward whatever values you try and uphold.

Most of my values are all encompassing, hard to break down into groups but I shall try.

Environmental. Let's face it, we are as much animals as the gopher or the moose. The sooner we realize this and get over ourselves, the sooner we realize we are part of the world community, not outside, above or smarter but part of.

That said it can be overwhelming when we try to think of doing something ourselves. Seems impossible that one person could make any kind of real change..But that's not even the point.

If we hope to effect any real change, we must be an example of that change. "Be the change you wish to see". This will show others that you walk the walk not just BS. You must know yourself in your strengths and weaknesses before you can hope to help others do likewise.

I could wax on poetically but I'm sure you get my drift.

There is so much disinformation out there that keeps us at war, not only with other countries, but with one another. Black and white, christian and islam, man and woman.. Come on. We're really all the same, we're humans and that's all that makes the difference.

If we hope not just for a brighter future, but to survive at all we've got to get past these differences. We've got to stop listening to the "propaganda from the disinformation ministry". Start working together, start thinking about local economy, start eating locally and in season. Stop the hate, stop the inhumane treatment, STOP THE FEAR!! Which is THE cause of many of these actions.

Sigh!! See what I mean about being so inherently tied?

The biggest issue really is money. Companies(and individuals for that matter) have gotten caught up in the scheme that is the money system. More more more is the mantra.

But what most fail to see is that while they maybe getting their pockets lined, others, as well as our home (earth) is being destroyed.

So when I hear people bemoaning higher taxes because of "cap and trade", healthcare, etc.. I have very little sympathy. Most of those complaining are the baby boomers who where tax payers during the 60's and 70's. Who were being told about peak oil, etc even then. The proper thing would have been to bucked up then and started looking toward alternatives, but no. Now it's time to pay the piper. It always cost more to fix a problem after it occurs.


Long story short I think my idea job would be an organic farmer, conservation agent, teacher, or something along those lines. Still a lot of BS red tape, but at least I'd feel like I was making a difference.

Hope that answers the question ;)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day off

ok so this won't be my usual daily deep thoughts..

But I am revamping the site a bit. Likely some new links, videos and who knows what else.

Hope you enjoy and find the new design a bit less cluttered and more useable. We'll see I suppose. :)


Saturday, March 26, 2011

What non-exercise activity do you wish would keep you fit?

That's easy, being on the internet. Aside from exercising my typing fingers, it is only an exercise in patience and frustration.

I use to use the internet quit a bit for research for school and to chat, maybe online games. Recently however it's mostly the daily routine of wake up and spend 2-3 hours searching the online job banks.. puke!!

Anyway if surfing the internet were exercise I'd have six-pack abs. (Stop that!! I can hear that laughter!!).

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How do you envision a sustainable future?

This is a question I've been pondering lately. I don't think anyone has a precise answer. Not all solutions will work in all situations.


I don't see Corporations, Interstate highways, imports both domestically and internationally or overconsumption as sustainable.

I do think that within a few years the only way most folks will be able to survive is through small scale farming (homesteading).

I think things need to refocus to local economy. Get back to knowing people and building community. Bartering, farmers markets, etc are going to be important.

Forget all the Material stuff and focus on reversing the damage we've done since the industrial revolution.

That would be a good start. Get those Corporations sweatin. Reinvent themselves as something useful or go under.

No more bailouts for wall street, maybe even some help for the farmers, the lifeblood of this country. IMHO

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ostara Haiku

first try in a long time at Haiku

Gloomy Winter's Day
Snow is Falling Everywhere
Ostara come quick

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Welcome to the spring equinox!!

We can see that winter is on it's way out and spring is in. Night and Day length are equalizing, the ground is beginning to warm and the plants are awakening.

It's time to sew the garden we've been thinking about all winter. Time to set those dreams in motion so that we can reap the rewards of our efforts come harvest time. And while we know there is much toil ahead, we face it with renewed hope as the sun warms our bones.

Enjoy the day. Helen and I are off to the UU for church followed by a ritual!!

Blessed Be

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our adventures for National AG day 2011

Well one of the local farms was holding their activity for National AG day today. It was cloudy, it was breezy, but it felt darn good to get out of the house for a while.

Without further ado Here are some pics

Friday, March 18, 2011

Change your life through time travel!!

What would you tell yourself 20 years ago that could have changed how your life is now?

Just one thing?… Well now that's impossible!!

I suppose If I could go back in time with some advice for my younger self (as If my younger self would pay any mind). I would tell myself to do some serious self reflection to determine what I want from life. Determine what is important. To look beyond what I currently know to see other ways. To be more outgoing, even though sometimes you do get hurt.

Once you have your goals, devise a plan, its difficult to meet a goal if you don't know how to get there. Listen to what others have to say but don't let them derail you, it's you who has to live your life.

Be flexible, don't try to make everything precisely your way, you'll miss learning opportunities as well as become cynical.

Don't be afraid to reach out, ask for help, help someone, become close to people.

"Sing like no one's listening, Dance like no one's watching, and love like you've never been hurt"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's not where you go when you die, but how you live when you're alive

Cause it's not where you go when you die It's how you live when you're alive
Who you touch and how you feel it.

And it's not about the time that you have It's how you cry and how you laugh
Who you love and how you mean it And do you mean it.

excerpt from Dr. Frankenstein

Powerful words. It seems with all our fast paced, techno heavy lives, we often forget the most important, our environment and how we interact with our other earth-mates.

It's all to easy to get caught up in tomorrows and fail to see the beauty of the day, or the moment even.

Though it often seems we cannot tear ourselves away from muggle distractions to do what we believe in. When we do we need to make the most of it. It's more the intention we're working toward, and it will take more than our lifetimes. It's about quality time, not quantity..

In the end it is more important that we "walk our talk". Others will remember that far more than they will remember the hours/day/years that you work at something..

Easier said than done, but it's something to strive for.

Monday, March 14, 2011

National Agriculture day March 15

Ok no one was as surprised to see that there was a national ag day as was I. But Hey.. I'm going to see what there is to do!!

What part of life confuses you the most

So many things, where to start

I guess I'd have to say how totally unaware people are about things.

How everything is about money instead of quality of life.

How everything is about chasing the Joneses and watching tv instead of community and spirituality.

About kicking the other guy when he's down to get ahead instead of helping one another.

And yet these are our actions, we claim to hold dear those things we practice least.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Do I have to choose?

I mean I LOVE chocolate, but vanilla is an aphrodisiac.

Hmm.. maybe vanilla now and chocolate later?

How about chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream?

It seems like chocolate is prevalent in america.

We like hot fudge sundaes, oreos, shoot if it's chocolate we woof it down by the bucket full. Not so much with vanilla. though it's likely second or third.

For me, there's not much chocolate can't fix, and if it can't a little bit o vanilla will make me forget about it for a time anyway :0

Friday, March 11, 2011

Truth or only perception

Here is a a post by a friend, to read at your leisure. The part I am focusing on is the following quote:

I told my oldest son once that we tell stories to find out what might be true. We might think that we are simply communicating our best understanding, but by putting it out into the world, we are laying it bare for examination. We may (underneath it all) hope that people will come along and say, “Yes! This! This is just what I’ve been looking for!” But this just shows me that some part of us still doubts.
We want/need that feedback, even while we fear the criticism that may shake the core of the story. But we have to keep telling them, because humans only exist in relationship, and stories only exist in conversation.

and one of my favorite quotes:

Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.

It's always amazing to me to hear people say "I don't understand science", sure you do, now you might not call it that, but you use science every day.

We set goals and make plans, and we're never certain what the results will be, but we keep trying.. It's called hope.

Sounds a lot like scientific method to me. Start with a hypothesis, see what your results are, see if others are doing the same kind of experimentation, compare notes... repeat.

So the way I see it, we can either work individually, seeing what are results are and excepting that as truth (law), or we can interact with others and see how our own perceptions holds up.

Is it humbling when we're wrong, yea. But is it better to be oblivious.. perhaps for some but for myself nay.

Push your boundaries. You might be surprised at what you find out about yourself.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Ok so I haven't posted for a few days. Long story short we're moving rather quickly and unexpectedly.. but whatever. I'm quite sure in the long run it is for the best. Will be nice if we ever land somewhere permanent though.

Anyway, hope to be back on track soon.. if not sooner