Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day 2011

So what did you do for mother earth today? Or what did you resolve to do? Or what do you wish you could have done?

IMHO everyday should be Earthday. It shouldn't be just on day we think about and do something nice, though that's great too

I can't say I did anything specific today. Helen and I went outside and played ball with the dog. We enjoyed the spring weather and everything coming back to life. We felt blessed to be able to be outside and enjoy life. I guess one could say we gave some of our energy as an offering.

I thought about (actually may yet) writing a poem about Earth Day

We long ago changed out to compact florescence.

When we are able we have a garden, try to keep it local.

We helped plant apple trees a few weeks ago at the UU.

We're helping out Sunday to pick up trash along a section of road.

We plan to stand in solidarity with the local Islamic center tomorrow. They have been vandalized and threatened in the past few months. We are going with our UU congregation. I know other churches are going but not sure who. The point here is that while we may not all agree on our religious views (or other views for that matter) we all have the right to choose and practice them without fear of persecution.

The point I'm trying to make is that one person can't do it all, but that one person's actions do make a difference. "Be the change you wish to see".

I see all things connected. So how can we talk of "saving the planet" and not think about "alternative energy"? or about "Saving humanity" when we can't even live together peaceably.

Or declare freedom & Justice for all... when the small print reads, "as long as you look like us, think like us, and do as we say"

Just something to reflect on..

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