Thursday, April 14, 2011

Let’s hear it for Bolivia!!

I present the following article.

To me this is at least a start. Getting it through though will be another matter all together. I hope the idea catches on. Though I’m quite sure that with all the oil interest America will be one of the last to join.

To me it perfect sense, maybe because I’m a pagan.  We’ve already given corporations the same rights as a human. We need proponents to protect the planet and universe, which is very much alive; Who better than those of us who are adamant about it? It gives the green party/environmentalist/scientist and grassroots groups a vehicle to be heard. Certainly it’s a tip of the hat to the fact that “yes indeed, the earth is alive, it is the only home we have, we damn well better find ways to lessen our impact on her and start her healing.”

I’m a firm believer in the fact that we are not above nature:

It is our privilege to behold natures beauty and bounty, it is our responsibility  to make sure future generations can do likewise.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. We have to take care of the Earth if we plan to keep living on/with her.
