Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If you could master any skill instantly, what would it be?

First off let me say I hope the site looks a little less cluttered. I've still got some things to do but overall I think it's an improvement.

Back on topic.. I'm thinking my skill would be more of an art.

I'd like to master the art of getting a good job. Not one that just pays the bills and leaves you feeling like committing sucide. One that you enjoy, that helps people, that helps you grow toward whatever values you try and uphold.

Most of my values are all encompassing, hard to break down into groups but I shall try.

Environmental. Let's face it, we are as much animals as the gopher or the moose. The sooner we realize this and get over ourselves, the sooner we realize we are part of the world community, not outside, above or smarter but part of.

That said it can be overwhelming when we try to think of doing something ourselves. Seems impossible that one person could make any kind of real change..But that's not even the point.

If we hope to effect any real change, we must be an example of that change. "Be the change you wish to see". This will show others that you walk the walk not just BS. You must know yourself in your strengths and weaknesses before you can hope to help others do likewise.

I could wax on poetically but I'm sure you get my drift.

There is so much disinformation out there that keeps us at war, not only with other countries, but with one another. Black and white, christian and islam, man and woman.. Come on. We're really all the same, we're humans and that's all that makes the difference.

If we hope not just for a brighter future, but to survive at all we've got to get past these differences. We've got to stop listening to the "propaganda from the disinformation ministry". Start working together, start thinking about local economy, start eating locally and in season. Stop the hate, stop the inhumane treatment, STOP THE FEAR!! Which is THE cause of many of these actions.

Sigh!! See what I mean about being so inherently tied?

The biggest issue really is money. Companies(and individuals for that matter) have gotten caught up in the scheme that is the money system. More more more is the mantra.

But what most fail to see is that while they maybe getting their pockets lined, others, as well as our home (earth) is being destroyed.

So when I hear people bemoaning higher taxes because of "cap and trade", healthcare, etc.. I have very little sympathy. Most of those complaining are the baby boomers who where tax payers during the 60's and 70's. Who were being told about peak oil, etc even then. The proper thing would have been to bucked up then and started looking toward alternatives, but no. Now it's time to pay the piper. It always cost more to fix a problem after it occurs.


Long story short I think my idea job would be an organic farmer, conservation agent, teacher, or something along those lines. Still a lot of BS red tape, but at least I'd feel like I was making a difference.

Hope that answers the question ;)

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